take for example - WordReference Forums hello everyone, Do you say "take sth for example" or "take sth as an example"? Thanks in advance.
take it for example or take it as an example? - Learn English ... 2011年1月19日 - Hello Phoenix, 'Example' means a person, action, thing, etc., that is worthy of imitation; pattern. So when you say : "Take it as an example",
by the example of sth vs take sth as an example - English-test.net Equally acceptable are: Take this as an example: and: Take this for example 'By example' is slightly different again. You could use it this way: A ...
可以講take myself as an example嗎- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2006年1月3日 - 把它改成....take myself for example即可 ... 有時候一些字的用法,你除了查字典外,還可以上搜尋網站找『英文』網頁(一定要國外的喔),看看人家是否 ...
take ...for example這用於句首是不是taking..for example??還是用原型_知道 提問者採納: 如果是表示命令、要求的祈使句 用原型 如Take Lily for example.向Lily學習. 如果把它當做句子的主語,則要用taking..for example 如Taking Lily for example is a ...
“就以…為例”可不可以用take sth. for example?_知道 提問者採納: 可以
take - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Shall I take a gift to my host family?take somebody something Shall I take my host family a gift? ... He took her hand/took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere).She took ...
Take sth as/for example? Shall I say "Take architecture as an example" or "Take architecture for example". ... While it may be true that "for example" actually means "as an example," the ...
可以講 take myself as an example嗎 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ "以我自己為例....."可以講 take myself as an example嗎?這樣說行得通嗎?感恩! ... take myself as an example ...
Take something for example? azargramma: How do you use take the Internet for example? Take the Internet, for example. (I saw in ...