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take...as an example - 有道海量词典 Companies have capitalized on health scares like the swine flu and SARS by connecting their sanitizer products to these outbreaks. Take Lysol as an example.
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英文的for example跟such as的用法有什麼不同 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 可以多舉幾個例句給我嗎 for example跟such as 老師要我各寫20個....我快發瘋了.... >>It is extremely expensive to live in Taipei. Take a one-bedroom apartment, for example.
造take John and Tom for example - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問英文造句:英文造句 take John and Tom for example ... 其實在國外 並沒有take .... for example的用法 就像speaking of 台灣人常常用talking of 但是外國人還是聽的懂
'take for example'的翻譯、'take for example'的解釋、雙語例句、在線造句 - 句酷中英雙語例句 句酷搜索引擎為英語學習者提供免費在線詞典,在線翻譯,例句搜索(study native English) ... 8. Take, for example, my friend from a neighbouring country. He was working in a construction company, holding a fairly high post and earning good salary when he was ...
take...for是什麼意思_take...for在線翻譯_take...for什麼意思_take...for的意思_take...for的翻譯_911查詢 ... for的發音,take...for的同義詞,take...for的反義詞,take...for的例句,take...for的相關片語,take...for意思是什麼,take...for怎麼翻譯,單詞take ... Take ...for example意為"以.....為例","比如說....."例如: | ①Take this problem for example.以這道題為例. 3.
【英语】英语作文常用30例句型 - 天星教育网 2009年10月9日 - Take … for example. 例:例如我们盲目地提高生活水准,却降低生活品质。 For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the ...
take for example的英汉例句 - 在线翻译 查查权威在线词典提供take for example的英汉双语例句,take for example的英语和汉语双语例句一共有22句,本页显示第11到第20句。
請問For example與For instance有何不同- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2006年12月19日 - For example & For instance 基本上意思語用法都一樣舉例譬如例子的意思 我想你的問題是在實際 ... to take ... for example就是譬如的句型. 002 ...