Taiwan 中華民國交通部觀光局 著作權所有 Copyright ©2013 Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan). All Rights Reserved. 您是本站第407571512位訪客 地 址:106臺北市忠孝東路4段290號9樓 電話:886-2-2349-1500 24小時免付費旅遊諮詢熱線:0800 ...
Taiwan Postal Code There are more than 59,000 postcodes of Taiwan in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place , Postcode, Latitude and Longitude etc. plus with online map.
jQuery TWzipcode: 3 碼台灣郵遞區號 jQuery Plugin 在網頁建立多組 3 碼台灣郵遞區號表單元素的 jQuery Plugin 讀取快速、不需使用資料庫。 ... 名稱 類型 預設值 說明 detect boolean false DEPRECATED 是否偵測用戶位置。此功能提供的數據並非絕對正確,僅供參考
Taiwan Zip Codes Taiwan Zip Codes Taiwan is a province of China. Taiwan Zip Code are five digits long. The first three digits are required and last two digits are optional. The following only lists the first three digits of the Taiwan Zip Codes system. Taipei City (台北市) *
Taiwan Postcode This is the Taiwan postcode website, including more than 371 items of area, city, region and zip code etc.
Taiwan, Taipei, Tainan Area and Zip/Postal Code - Travel China Guide City / County, Area Code, Zip Code. Taipei City, 8862, 100. Kaohsiung City, 8867 , 800. Keelung City, 8862, 200. Hsinchu City, 8863, 300. Taichung City, 8864 ...
急問一下台灣的Zip/Postal Code: 郵編- MyAV視聽商情網 不過我在國外購物還是會留郵遞區號啦,寄丟的機率會小一點. [/B][/QUOTE]應該是就郵遞區號.再加上台灣. 電話台灣國碼是886.郵遞區號察不到類似 ...
The ZIP Code Finder for Taiwan ZIPCodeTW 是一個支援以漸進或模糊地址搜尋郵遞區號的網頁工具。
Taiwan Postal Code There are more than 59000 postcodes of Taiwan in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place , Postcode, Latitude and Longitude etc. plus with ...