Visa Application - Taiwan 2013年4月29日 - (Enquiry tel. 6500-0100 Ext 111 or 116, For PRC, Hong Kong and Macau citizens Ext 106). 1. In general, you will need a visa if you wish to visit ...
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines 駐 ... New Rotary International District 3810 District General, DG Edmond T. Aguilar, pays a courtesy visit to TECO Ambassador Wang 2014/6/9 ...
Taiwan Visa Application - Philippine Passport Holders Effective April 01, 2012, all visa applicants (including Philippine Passport ... My friends and I booked tickets for travel to Taiwan in January of this year, due to my ...
Visa Application - Overseas Office Republic Of China ( Taiwan ) 中華民國(台灣)駐外單位聯合網站 (Enquiry tel. 6500-0100 Ext 111 or 116, For PRC, Hong Kong and Macau citizens Ext 106) 1. In general, you will need a visa if you wish to visit the Republic of China (Taiwan). Nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption progra
Taiwan passport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Countries granting visa-free privileges to Taiwan passport holders often require that a National Identity Card number be imprinted on the passport, ...
Filipino Requirements for a Tourist Visa in Taiwan | eHow Philippine citizens are required to obtain a visa when traveling to Taiwan for tourism. According to the ...
Visa Services - Government Information Office, R.O.C. Visa Services. Path:Home arrow towards right Consular Division arrow towards ...
Taiwan Visa: Application, Requirements. Apply for Taiwan Visas Online. Taiwan Visa Services: Secure Online Application; Tourist, Business, Private Visas to Taiwan. Comprehensive Information on Taiwan Visa Requirements - Apply Now. ... VisaHQ is a private visa agency, not affiliated with the government of Taiwan. VisaHQ provi
公告:菲律賓籍人士申請中華民國觀光簽證簡化措施- 簽證- 駐 ... 2014年8月8日 - 凡一年內曾申獲美國、加拿大、歐洲申根國家、英國、日本、紐西蘭及澳洲等國家之觀光旅遊或商務簽證,且無在臺逾期停居留及曾遭拒發簽證等不良 ...
Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Visa-Exempt Entry Countries eligible for Visa-exempt entry: The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 90 days:Andorra, Australia (Effective from January 1, 2015 for one year) , Austria, Belg