CDC monitoring 96 people over imported H7N9 ... - Taipei Times 2014年4月24日 - The tourist, who was confirmed on Tuesday as the third imported case of H7N9 in ...
中國H7N9疫情升溫兩天新增七病例 - Taipei Times 2014年1月20日 - 13 that seven new cases of the H7N9 bird flu had been confirmed between Jan. 11 and ...
Taiwanese H7N9 patient recovering - Taipei Times 2013年5月9日 - The condition of a Taiwanese businessman who contracted the H7N9 avian influenza ...
CDC to close H7N9 control center, as flu season ... - Taipei Times 2014年4月17日 - The mortality rate of H7N9 remains the same, at about 30 percent, but its relatively ...
CDC says human H7N9 cases reach 200, most ... - Taipei Times 2014年2月12日 - The number of confirmed human cases of H7N9 avian influenza has reached 200 ...
MAC, CDC warn on travel to Shanghai after H7N9 case - Taipei ... 2014年1月6日 - The new H7N9 case, that of an 86-year-old man, brought the total number of confirmed ...
China's H7N9 situation is heating up 中國H7N9 ... - Taipei Times 2014年1月20日 - 香港官員去年四月十一日在中港邊境檢驗活禽,實行對致命H7N9禽流感的管制措施。
Additional H7N9 cases in China raise alert level - Taipei Times 2014年1月13日 - Two cases of H7N9 infections, one in Fujian Province and the other in Jiangsu ...
Rise in H7N9 bird flu toll demands constant ... - Taipei Times 2014年1月20日 - A significant wave of H7N9 avian influenza cases and deaths in China since the ...
Second Chinese tourist diagnosed with H7N9 ... - Taipei Times 2014年1月2日 - The Centers for Disease Control confirmed on Tuesday evening that a Chinese tourist ...