分光光度計、蠕動泵浦專業廠商-【矽新科技有限公司】-分光光度計儀器組件、蠕動泵浦設備、蠕動泵浦軟管 ... 矽新科技成立於1995年,主要從事分光光度計、可見光分光光度計零組件銷售;實驗室用蠕動泵浦、工業用蠕動泵浦、蠕動泵浦軟管、蠕動泵浦零配件銷售;農藥殘留檢測、快速農藥檢測便利包、快速農藥檢測試片販售…等各式專業服務
翰揚公司-IR UV AA ICP GC LC EPA Standards FTIR 傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 Perkin Elmer FT-IR,NIR,FTIR Microscope,GC-FTIR,TGA-FTIR 各式Nacl, KBr,CaF2鹽片,13mm KBr Die,油壓機, Liquid and Seal Cell,Gas Cell 各式反射式附件,包括 PIKE ATR, HATR, Diffuse and Specular Reflectance, High / Low ...
Syringe pump 使用說明 - 急˙重˙創 聯合網 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 SICU護理作業規範及程序 修訂者 張瓊尹 Syringe pump 使用說明 修訂日期:96.3.18 ( 一 )、特性:為一種持續性的小量注射Pump 目前有3種機型:TERUMO,NIKKISO、TOP-5100 。 TERUMO適用空針有20、30、50cc 3種。
Classic Syringe Pump 注射式幫浦-【www.taitek-sci.com.tw 】〈台大科學儀器有限公司〉 商 品 說 明 資 料 Fusion 200 Classic Syringe Pump The Fusion 200 is a modular syringe pump with midrange sensitivities to handle wide ranging applications from microfluidics to synthetic chemistry. Standard Features: Infuses and Withdraws Expandable 10 ...
Classic Syringe Pump 注射式幫浦-【www.taitek-sci.com.tw 】〈台大科學儀器有限公司〉 商 品 說 明 資 料 Fusion 100 Classic Syringe Pump The Fusion 100 is a high performance low cost syringe pump designed for use in synthetic chemistry, electrospinning, drug infu sion and ESI microliter injections. Standard Features: Graphic LCD interface
Syringe Pumps - KD Scientific Syringe Pump Company Syringe Pumps for the laboratory by KD Scientific ... The NEW KD Scientific Peristaltic Pump System allows maintenance free, continuous flow pumping of various liquids. The fluids pumping contacts only the inside surface of the tubing negating concern for
Syringe Pump針筒式幫浦==偉吉達企業有限公司 MACRO FORTUNATE CO., LTD. 專業銷售精密儀器、實驗器材、工安採樣、水質檢測暨耗材等產品 Syringe Pump針筒式幫浦。 INFUSION PUMPS注射式幫浦 型號 KDS 100 KDS 101 KDS 200 KDS 220 SYRINGES 1 2 2 10/6/4 (max.No. & Size) 10ul~60ml ea 10ul~10ml ea 10ul~140ml ea
信德儀器有限公司---Shineteh Instruments Co., Ltd. Library of Syringes To calculate the plunger-advance speed needed to achieve a specified infusion rate, the pump needs the diameter of the pluger of the syringe(s). Each pump a library of plunger diameters of common syringes t stored in permanent memory.
幫浦Syringe Pump - 力方科技有限公司-HPLC columns層析管柱,純化材料,chemical,分離層析材料,syringe filters 真空幫浦油 Vacuum Oil 此真空幫浦是高品質礦物油,由於其極小的蒸餾區段,因為汽化壓力小,可在真空度極高的真空幫浦應用上維持極小的蒸發量。不易形成積碳可長時間使用。 由於油水分離性能極佳,且因經過脫水處裡含水量極低,因此可避免濕氣汙 ...
Harvard Apparatus: Specialized Products for Bioresearch - Home Harvard Apparatus is the first name in bioscience. Harvard syringe pumps are the standard for drug infusion and sample injection. We are also the world leader in volume controlled, pressure controlled and high-frequency ventilation.