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Super Junior M-太完美舞蹈教學 - 魅力四射舞蹈教室 Super Junior M-太完美舞蹈教學 想學Super Junior M 2011年最新MV-太完美嗎? 看 著Super Junior M 的太完美MV舞蹈 ...
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Super Junior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Super Junior (Korean: Pronunciation: 슈퍼주니어; Syupeo Junieo) is a South Korean pop group. Formed in 2005 by producer Lee Soo-man of S.M. Entertainment, the group comprised a total of thirteen members at its peak. Super Junior originally debuted with twelve
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Super Junior - No Other live [dance step] - YouTube NO OTHER, @ MUSIC BANK, JUNE 2, 2010. THEY ARE ALL HAPPY!!!!! specially LEETEUK!!! he's smiling for the whole performance!!!! saranghaeyo SUPER JUNIOR!!!! ♥♥♥