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時光之硯: 《普羅米修斯》 - yam天空部落 如果說《異形一》是驚悚片,《異形二》是動作片,那色調不再陰暗、空間也不那麼壓迫的《普羅米修斯》確實撐開了「科幻史詩」的氣魄。但作為一個系列的開端,它是否也具備了和扮演「異形前傳」同樣的力量?我真...
Prometheus 2 Movie Sequel News - Film by Ridley Scott Coming 2016 Prometheus Movie Sequel News - Prometheus 2 (Paradise) Film Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Noomi Rapace & Michael Fassbender. In Theaters March, 2016. Get the latest info here! ... Raptor-401 › Paden, maybe the rex on the left of the banner should be
Prometheus 2 | Movie Moron Writing’s a funny old game. It can make heroes and villains of those who do it, and the same writer can simultaneously be seen as one or the other by different people. Damon Lindelof must surely be aware of this. After finishing Lost on one of the most wi
zmovie - Watch movie Prometheus (2012) online for free Well, I think this is intro for whole new direction in creating movie sequels ( and I think this is the way it should be)... after all, no one know where this life itself really begin... I just hope that R.Scott wont lose him self in metaphysics to the po
KEY OF SOLOMON CIPHER - Prometheus movie usurps ancient alien star map secret... - YouTube The Solomon Key Cipher from British Library. The movie Prometheus has recently usurped the fundamental story plot from the Author of The Hidden Records ancient alien star map book which was published in 2002. The Prometheus writer also repeated the ancien