【Xperia Z 測試】Stamina Mode 真有用嗎?Xperia Z 效能實測 ... 2013年2月22日 ... 今次Sony 指可以延長待機時間4 倍以上的Stamina Mode,就正正為解決 ... 可能 大家會問,其實類似的省電模式一直都有,用完會連WhatsApp、電郵 ...
How Sony’s Battery STAMINA Mode works – Developer World Hi Benjamin Zonker, I have the same problem with you before. But now the stamina mode on my Xperia E1 dual is working properly. The first you must to do is to install pc companion, you can find it at sonymobile.com. And then choose for repair the phone on
How Sony's STAMINA Mode works - Clove Blog | SIM free mobiles - news, reviews & discussion How does STAMINA mode work? Battery life is one of the aspects of smartphone design that still requires significant improvement. One way to facilitate this ... Hi Gary, Whatsapp is one of those applications that is at odds with the very nature of STAMINA
How Sony's Battery STAMINA Mode works – Developer World 3 Apr 2013 ... With Sony's power management setting called Battery STAMINA Mode, you can extend the standby time of your Xperia™ device by more than ...
Xperia Z Stamina Mode 大家會長開嗎?(頁1) - Android Phone - 電腦領 ... 我一直都無開個Stamina Mode 有一日無咩電,我就開左佢頂一頂, 點知好似又用多 一陣。 而家我長開個Stamina Mode, with whatsapp & Gmail in ...
Sony Mobile HK - {慳電啲、玩耐啲!!} Xperia... - Facebook 慳電啲、玩耐啲!!} Xperia Z獨有嘅STAMINA省電模式,係屏幕關閉時只會啟動自選 備用名單嘅Apps,例如WhatsApp等等。其餘程式均自動暫停。咁樣Xperia Z 放埋 ...
【Xperia Z 測試】Stamina Mode 真有用嗎?Xperia Z 效能實測! | RingHK.com -- 全港 NO.1 手機資訊網站 可能大家會問,其實類似的 省電模式一直都有,用完會連 WhatsApp、電郵都唔可以即時收到,好麻煩。 ... 今次小編就嘗試開放常用的 ...
Notification LED and Stamina Mode | Sony Xperia Z | XDA Forums ... As you might notice, when you have Stamina Mode on you won't get LED notifications ...
How To Enable And Setup Stamina Mode On Sony Xperia M 2014年8月6日 - Sony's Stamina Mode is a built in battery power saver feature found in Xperia range of smartphones like Xperia M, Xperia Z LTE, Xperia T2 ...
How Sony's STAMINA Mode works - Clove Technology's Blog 2013年5月20日 - How does STAMINA mode work? Battery life is one of the aspects of smartphone design that still requires significant improvement. One way to ...