[短片]阿正老師的SSD+Windows 7開機測試 | ㊣軟體玩家 ... 到第50秒左右出現音樂及背景畫面,所以開機的時間大約在20秒左右。比起原本我用兩顆500GB硬碟跑RAID 0要40多秒的開機時間,實在是快了 ...
Windows 7 Performance on Raid 0 SSD configuration - YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add freak77power 's video to your playlist.
AnandTech | Intel Brings TRIM to RAID-0 SSD Arrays on 7-Series Motherboards, We Test It In an unusually terse statement, Intel officially confirmed that the ATA TRIM command now passes through to RAID-0 SSD arrays on some systems running Intel's RST (Rapid Storage Technology ) RAID driver version 11.0 and newer. The feature is limited to Int
[心得] 你是效能追求者嗎?OCZ AGILITY 3 RAID0 系統安裝教學與測試 此次就介紹利用OCZ AGILITY3 SATA3 SSD 組裝RAID-0,安裝作業系統的教學與 ... 板內建的晶片只要選擇內建有SATA3的介面且支援RAID功能在安裝Windows 7 ...
SSD固態硬碟 - [開箱]INTEL530 240GB組RAID0但開機速度好慢 - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01 最近thinkstation S30原本只有500G的硬碟 規格: CPU:intel Xeon E5-1620 MB:C600 記憶體:24G 繪圖卡:QUADRO 2000 硬碟:INTEL 530 240GX2組RAID0 想說來升級一下SSD看會不會比較快 請看圖片 本次主角跟SSD 開箱 先把機殼打開 搶眼的QUADRO 2000
RAID 0 SSD - Instalando Windows 7 em 5 minutos - YouTube Instalando windows 7 em 5 minutos utlizando um desktop com RAID 0 de 2x SSD 120GB, Processador Core I7 2600K 3.4Ghz, 16GB de memoria 1600Mhz.
Windows 8 picking up SSD RAID0 as HDD - Microsoft Community As the description says Windows 8 is picking up my SSD RAID0 as a HDD. I have installed all the correct drivers and IRST 11.6 and when i'm running Defrag it actually Defrags the ...
Windows 7 Installer will not recognize SSD - Microsoft Community I have just built a new computer and I want to install 64-bit Windows 7 Professional on an Intel X-25M 80GB SSD. I am doing a clean install on a new drive. When I get to the point ...
Win 7 SSD - Configuration - Windows 7 - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts! I plan new Win 7 install on SSD Kingston 64Gb. I would like advice on how to do this right the first time on this home builld. 1. How ...
How much space does Windows 7 take on a SSD? [Solved] - SSD - Storage Currently I have Windows 7 on my computer on a 320GB Hard Drive. I'm a big computer geek and want a SSD but they are very expensive. My plan was to get a small one, like ...