轉貼:SQLite使用教學 @ 創造心理的感動 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... 而入門容易,因此成為現今主流資料庫的標準語言(微軟、Oracle等大廠的資料庫軟體都提供SQL語法 ... 至於為什麼要寫這篇教學呢?除了因為OS X Tiger大量使用SQLite之外(例如:Safari的RSS reader,就是把文章存在SQLite資料庫裡!
SQL: LIKE Condition - TechOnTheNet.com Syntax. The syntax for the SQL LIKE Condition is: expression LIKE pattern [ ESCAPE ... These examples deal specifically with escaping characters in Oracle.
SQLite Query Language: expression - SQLite Home Page Note that the result from casting any non-BLOB value into a BLOB and the result from casting any BLOB value into a non-BLOB value may be different depending on whether the database encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16be, or UTF-16le. Boolean Expressions The SQL ...
SQLite - Official Site Small. Fast. Reliable. Choose any three. About Sitemap Documentation Download License News Support ...
sql - SQLite Like % and _ - Stack Overflow For example:-- The '_' matches the single 'c' sqlite> select 'pancakes' like 'pan_akes'; 1 -- This would ...
SQLite - LIKE Clause - Tutorials for JFreeChart, Lucene, Selenium, DTD, Powerpoint, T Let us take a real example, consider COMPANY table is having the following records: ID NAME AGE ADDRESS ...
SQLite Tutorial - Souptonuts: for detailed notes, click on my notes Below is an example. sqlite> select strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S %s %w %W",'now','localtime'); ... A good ...
PHP / PDO / SQLite3 Example - If Not True Then False | If !1 0 | Linux and Development Guide This is a PHP, PDO and SQLite3 example, which demonstrates the SQLite3 databse usage with PHP-PDO. ... ...
SQLite - LIKE operator and ATTACH databases memory usage LIKE operator and ATTACH databases memory usage. Hello Why does SQLite consume 2.5MB memory every time ...
SQLite commands and general usage - Pantz.org Technical Reference Site you create something in it (Ex: table or view) or until you run a few select commands from the SQLite ...