How to Round the Decimal Value to 2 Decimal Places in C# ? | Abundant Code If you want to round the decimal value to 2 decimal places , one can simply use the .ToString method by providing the format specifiers as shown below. ... How to Run a Windows Store App from Visual Studio 2013 ? When you have created your Windows Store .
SQL - Rounding off to 2 decimal places - Stack Overflow I need to convert minutes to hours, rounded off to 2 decimal places.I also need to display only up to 2 numbers after the decimal point. So if I have minutes as 650.Then hours ...
SQL Server Forums - Round and show to 2 decimal places? Home | Weblogs | Forums | SQL Server Links Search: Active Forum Topics | Popular Articles | All Articles by Tag | SQL Server Books | About SQL Server Forums Profile | Register | Active Topics | Members ...
Truncate (not round) decimal places in SQL Server - Stack Overflow I'm trying to determine the best way to truncate or drop extra decimal places in SQL without rounding. For example: declare @value decimal(18,2) set @value = 123.456 This will auto round @Valu... ... If you wanted to drop one of the decimal places from a
format to 2 decimal places in sql - Microsoft Community Sum([PlanHouseCirc]/1000) AS DivPlanHouseCirc not sure how to add format code to the SQL to make the DivPlanHouseCirc to output only 2 Decimal places???? thanks!!! bkel ... Answer KARL DEWEY replied on July 28, 2011 In reply to bKel's ...
SQL Server Forums - How to format decimal places Hi, How can I round the value returned from the following code? I have tried adding ROUND(CONVERT(decimal,AVG(t1.Value1)),2) AS Value2 but it didn't work, is there a different way of doing this? The query also calls two functions so not sure if I have to
Round off Decimal to 2 places in jQuery - .NET and Web Development Tutorials for Developers Hi, This function is somewhat peculiar in in it's functioning like it will give u result correct till certain values and for some it will give wrong values like say till 14.525 it will round correct to 14.53 but afterwards it starts giving wrong values an
Round to 2 decimal places in vb.NET | Math.Floor | Math.Ceiling | The Daily Byte You would think something this common would be part of the Math functions in the .NET framework but it is not. If you want to do a simple round you can use
Round Number upto 2 decimal places in JavaScript « A K Chauhan’s Blog function fillShenandoah() {var monthlyPremium = document.weeklyProduction.shenandoahPremium.value var months = “12″ var annualPremium = parseFloat(monthlyPremium * months) document.weeklyProduction.shenandoahAnnualPremium. value ...
Excelguru Help Site - User Defined Function To Sum And Round To Two Decimal Places function range places decimal rounds code macro formula purpose tested ... Macro Purpose: To round a Sum formula to two decimal places Examples of where this function shines: When you are feeling really lazy, and don't want to type =Round(Sum(A1:A3),2), y