SQL CASE - 1Keydata SQL 語法教學 - 1Keydata - Free Online ... 這一頁介紹 SQL 中的 CASE 關鍵字。 SQL CASE 首頁 SQL指令 表格處理 進階SQL SQL語法 SQL UNION SQL UNION ALL SQL INTERSECT SQL MINUS SQL 子查詢 SQL EXISTS SQL CASE SQL 算排名
SQL: If Exists Update Else Insert - Jeremiah Clark's Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs This is a pretty common situation that comes up when performing database operations. A stored procedure is called and the data needs to be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. If we refer to the Books Online documentation, it gives ex
mysql - SQL IF - ELSE Statement - Stack Overflow I have a table like this : +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | ID | ... You can only use MySQL's if in a stored procedure. For example: DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE
If statement with ELSEIF and ELSE : IF statement « Procedure Function « SQL / MySQL If statement with ELSEIF and ELSE : IF statement « Procedure Function « SQL / MySQL ... mysql> mysql> delimiter $$ mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE myProc(normal_price NUMERIC(8,2),OUT discount_price NUMERIC(8,2)) -> NO SQL -> BEGIN -> IF ...
mysql - SQL - IF EXISTS UPDATE ELSE INSERT INTO - Stack Overflow What I'm trying to do is INSERT subscribers in my database, but IF EXISTS it should UPDATE the row, ELSE INSERT INTO a new row. Ofcourse I connect to the database first ...
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: IF Syntax If no search_condition matches, the ELSE clause statement_list executes. Each statement_list consists of one or more SQL statements; an empty statement_list is not permitted. An IF ... END IF block, like all other flow-control blocks used within stored ..
[SQL ] MySQL : IF THEN ELSE statement - 看板 Database - 批踢踢實業坊 資料庫版本:MySQL 5.0.45-community 作業系統 :Windows XP SP2 因為現在要用到一些比較複雜的查詢 我必須要用到 IF THEN ELSE 的功能 我查了一下 google,發現 MySQL 有 IF THEN ELSE 的語法 IF 條件式 THEN SQL 語法 ; SQL 語法 ...
MySQL :: If Else... Question.... in my page below, the "if else" statement, ... i have a form that a user submits ... mysql_close(); ?> //Show user successful entry Successful Lead Entry User Form for ...
MySQL: IF-THEN-ELSE Statement - TechOnTheNet.com In MySQL, the IF-THEN-ELSE statement is used to execute code when a condition is TRUE, or execute different code if the condition ... Microsoft Access Excel Word Database SQL Oracle / PLSQL SQL Server MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL Web Development ...
MySQL :: MySQL IF ELSE condition MySQL IF ELSE condition Galo Arends 12/11/2009 08:08AM Re: MySQL IF ELSE condition Peter Brawley 12/11/2009 12:31PM Re: MySQL IF ELSE condition Ike Walker 12/11/2009 01:28PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. powered by ...