VAIO Online - 台灣 Sony VAIO 官方網站 VAIO Care PlayMermoies 服務專區 購物專區 Sony 推薦使用 Windows 8. 了解更多關於 Windows 8 的資訊 VAIO® Duo 13 VAIO® Pro 11/13 VAIO® Fit 14/15 VAIO® Fit 15E
Enabling AHCI on sony vaio [Solved] - SSD - Storage hi i just bought a crucial realssd c300 and i read up on alot of forums that said i needed to enable AHCI mode first before installing windows on the ssd, the problem is, on vaio ...
VAIO AHCI mode option not in BIOS - BIOS - Storage Your post got me wondering....So, I looked in my Sony Vaio Control panel, to see which controller I was ...
Sony Vaio Bios ACHI - Bios Mods -The Best BIOS Update and Modification Source i open up the bios, i can see the ahci setting can be found under chipset-south bridge configration-SATA ...
Sony - 隱藏的BIOS菜單:虛擬化技術、AHCI模式、Raid模式、CPU風扇溫度設定(適用於Z和TT系列) - 筆 ...- Mobile01 扼殺客戶運行64位虛擬機的能力,是為萬惡!不過截至七月十九日,所有 VAIO 系列的 VT ... 小弟請教一下,好像沒有SZ-57系列開啟被 ...
Sony :: Can I Disable AHCI On Vaio Z BIOS Please give us BIOS support for SATA AHCI mode on Inspirons! - "Give us real bios control" [url] - " Bios ...
Sony :: Can I Use Phoenix BIOS Editor To Enable SZs Intel VT And AHCI Please give us BIOS support for SATA AHCI mode on Inspirons! - "Give us real bios control" [url] - " Bios ...
AHCI mode for SONY VAIO VPCSE2V9R - Sony Hello! I've changed my HDD to SSD, but AHCI mode is disable in Windows7. How can I enable AHCI mode for ...
Sony Vaio AHCI bios? - Sony Vaio AHCI bios? In bios I cannot switch to AHCI there is no option is there a workaround for this ...
Sony - vaio SA 系列是否內定AHCI是開啟的? - 筆電討論區 - Mobile01 http://www. Sony-Vaio ...