NWZ-W273S - Walkman 數位隨身聽- Sony 台灣官方購物 ... IPX8 級:在此條件下─ Walkman 頂部距離水面2米,連續30 分鐘,性能不受影響且 .... 隨機附件:USB 底座(充電用)、耳塞、游泳用耳塞、固定頸帶、快速入門指南、防水 ...
博客來-SONY Walkman數位隨身聽4GB(NWZ-W273S) 送豆豆耳機(游樂橘) 得獎認證 SSL憑證服務 數位時代2012年台灣網站100強 電子發票推廣標章 天下雜誌2012金牌服務大賞 數位時代2011台灣電子商務TOP50強 dpmark資料隱私保護標章
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Waterproof Sports Headphones for Swimming | NWZ-W273-W274S | Sony UK Learn more about the W Series Walkman, Sony's sports waterproof headphones specifically designed for underwater use. Ideal when used as swimming headphones. ... Colours and features may vary by country and model Colours and features may vary by country ..
博客來-SONY NWZ-E383 新力 4GB Walkman 數位隨身聽恣戀紅 SONY NWZ-E383 新力 4GB Walkman 數位隨身聽恣戀紅 ... 1商品與發票將分開寄送。2除特殊商品送達時間於產品說明中另有標註外,原則上商品將於訂單完成、付款成功後 7 個工作天內送達(不含週六日)。
Waterproof Headphones, Sony Walkman MP3 Player, Unboxing and Review, NWZ-W273, 4GB - YouTube Howdy Youtube and welcome to B4UBuyReviews. Today I will be reviewing the new Sony NWZ-W273, Walkman Sports MP3 Player, yes - the waterproof headphones that you can wear while swimming. I am so stoked about this video because this is such a fun product. I
4GB W Series MP3 Walkman (Blue) - Sony Home & Consumer Electronics : Sony Malaysia Keep the music flowing even when you’re swimming with the waterproof* Sony Walkman W270. Featuring a compact and lightweight design that allows you to move freely, now you never have to leave your music behind.
NWZ-W273/P - Sony NWZ-W273 防水功能再進化,在水中游泳也能享受音樂註1,而且設計更輕薄、更 ... 噴水口相距約3 米,水流量為12.5 L/min ( 750 L/h ),Walkman 本機功能不受影響。
Waterproof Headphones, Sony Walkman MP3 Player, Unboxing and ... 2013年5月26日 - 3 分鐘 - 上傳者:B4UBuyReviews Today I will be reviewing the new Sony NWZ-W273, Walkman Sports ... The Sony Waterproof ...
SONY Walkman 4GB數位隨身聽(NWZ-W273) - Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 輕巧機身,8 小時音樂連續播放;防水等級IPX5/8 (2 公尺以內淡水中使用);3 分鐘快 充,60 分鐘連續播放.