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sony DC要選哪一種鏡頭? Lens G鏡 or 蔡司鏡 (第1頁) - Sony數位相機 - Mobile01 大大們 Sony在DC的世界, 鏡頭不只一種 要選哪一種鏡頭? Lens G鏡 or 蔡司鏡 請... ... romeo1210 wrote: 大大們Sony在DC...(恕刪) 參考看看 有錯請指正 之前SONY蔡司鏡有分兩種 一種就是一般的蔡司...(廢話..
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數位相機SONY WX1 開箱文 by.MyTiida黑俠客 - U-CAR 討論區 本文已有評價: = 2。 嗯 woowoo2 註冊日期:2007/10/26 發文總數:49,000 累計好評:3,700 2010/02/20 02:08:50 發文 ... 看到照片, 才注意到 WX1 是用 Sony Lens G 鏡頭, 不是 TX1 用的蔡司 (Zeiss) ...
Sony Cyber-shot QX10 review: a WiFi 'lens camera' that mounts ... Still, it's substantially larger than the embedded smartphone sensor it's likely to replace, and the f/3.3-5.9, 10x G lens is unmatched by all but the Galaxy S4 Zoom ...
Sony “Lens G” QX10 and QX100 user manual leak brings more detail ... 16 Aug 2013 ... Sony has been a hot topic for rumors lately and many of these seem to be camera related. There are ...
Sony Lens G: attachable camera-lenses work without smartphone ... 17 Aug 2013 ... The Lens G lens-cameras from Sony attach to your smartphone magnetically, but now apparently can be used without a mobile device, according to a newly emerged manual.
Sony QX100 、QX10 智慧型手機外接式鏡頭相機10 月在台上市,售價 ... 2013年9月11日 - QX100 、QX10 除了能與新款Xperia Z1 等新機使用,也可透過隨附的裝置掛勾 ... Sony QX100、QX10 藍牙鏡頭宣傳影片曝光,可相容iPhone 使用.
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