DVDplusRW.org - The ultimate unofficial DVD+RW & DVD+R resource site Added new drives to the Models Overview PC Drives: Acer DVR106RD, Alera DVD Slim Cruiser Quad (Plus), AOpen ESV-288U, Digistor 4x Dual Internal / External, Digistor 8x Dual Internal / External, Emprex DVD-RW 1008IM, EZQuest Boa 8x DVD+/-R/RW ...
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usb_ids - Scribd - Read Unlimited Books usb_ids - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ... # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy # If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer.
USB設備硬體ID - 驅動天空 - 專業、方便的驅動下載站 # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy # If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer. # Send entries as patches (diff -u old new). # The latest version can be obtained from # http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids # # $Id: usb.ids,
HCL 10.4.1 - OSx86 Although this doesn't belong here but some people insist on it: The Apple Developer Platform mainboard is a custom made version of Intels D915GUX mainboard with Firewire (optional to the original D915GUX) and Intel 82562EZ NIC chipset (the variant D915GUX
使用BinFlash硬刷Sony NEC Optiarc韌體 - L's 天南地北 - 痞客邦 ... ... 我要怎麼刷... 正好有入手Sony NEC Optiarc AD-7200S同型機-Sony DRU- V200S所以囉.... 首先要先準備Bi. ... liggy's DRU-880S Bitsetting Firmware 1.61 就可以了呢? 建議刷7260S的, ...
DRU-880S - Sony Middle East & Africa Experience new levels of quality and performance with the fast and efficient DRU -880S, created by Sony ...
[閒聊] 最近的DVD ReWriter - [PPT 短網址/ 文章閱讀(BBS版)] 台灣比較早出現的是Sony同型機DRU-880S 目前Binflash還不支援刷成7260S - Toshiba ... 整體表現也有提升 注意:目前刷成Samsung韌體以後沒辦法刷回Philips 韌體 -Philips & Lite-On ...
TWed2k - 硬體求助討論區- [原創]Sony DRU-880S開箱簡測 其零售版對應機倒是出了,就是Sony DRU-880S... 正面盒 ... 可以16X讀取韌體沒有限速.
Sony DRU-880S RPC-1 & bitsetting firmwares | Cyber Militia 2010年9月30日 - RPC-1 patched DRU-880S v1.60 firmware ROM (I've personally tested this one, works ...