EcLife良興購物網 - SONY Cyber-shot 數位相機 DSC-W350 (粉 ... SONY Cyber-shot 數位相機 DSC-W350 (粉紅色),‧卡爾蔡司鏡頭、26mm 廣角‧1410萬有效畫素‧4 倍光學變焦‧高速 BIONZ 影像處理器‧iSCN 自動拍得美‧全景拍攝模式、光學防 ...
Casio Exilim Hi-Zoom EX-H15 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 ... 2010年1月8日 - Casio 近期在DC 市場上可謂相當進取,繼月初推出了4 款全新EXILIM 機款後,剛剛又發表了兩款新機!分別有主打高速拍攝的E... 全線升上14 ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W350 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - Sony RX100 III 彈出驚喜!便攝新貴一手試 (6月21日) 隨著大眾對相機的要求愈來愈高,便攝 DC 亦不能只著重輕巧機身,要在有限的空間內加入最多最強的功能,才...
DSC-W350 - Cyber-shot 數位相機 - Sony 台灣官方購物網站 - Sony Store, Online (Taiwan) Cyber- shot 數位相機 DSC- W350(藍色) 26mm卡爾蔡司廣角鏡頭 自動拍得美、先進臉部偵測 全景拍攝模式、微笑快門技術 附原廠配件超值組(ACC-CTBN): ...
Cyber-Shot DSC-W350 - - Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited Sony Cyber- shot, Cyber- shot DSC- W350,buy Sony Cyber- shot 您現在的位置: 首頁 > 數碼影像及配件 > 數碼相機 > DSC- ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W350 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech ne A sweet little wide-angle compact, the Sony Cyber- shot DSC- W350 should make a lot of snapshooters ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W350 review | Cameralabs The Sony Cyber-shot W350 is equipped with a 2.7in screen with 230k resolution. It's a decent-sized screen ...
Sony cyber shot DSC-W350 , MEMORY CARD PROBLEM - Sony's Community Site my digital sony cyber shot DSC- W350 keeps saying (no images) when i try to display the images located in ...
Archived DSC-W350 : W Series : Cyber-shot™ Digital Camera : Sony India ... › Cyber- shot Digital Camera › Archived Cyber- shot Digital Camera › Archived DSC- W350 Available In ...