30X專業型旅遊機 SONY Cyber-shot DSC-HX50V - Mobile01 本站新聞 SONY Cyber-shot DSC-HX50V ‧拍攝樣本(機身直出無後製) 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖 ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II 相機規格、價錢及 ...- DCFever.com Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II 10 個用家心得 | 發表用家心得 相機簡介 詳細相機規格 用家心得 (10) 二手市場 (0) 詳細測試報告 樣本照片(19 張) 作品發表區作品 ...
SONY DSC-W380 超廣角&大光圈兼具的平價機種 - Mobile01 本 ... 2010年才剛開始,SONY的機海戰術就來勢洶洶,首先以全新的W系列進軍消費型相機市場 ... 以往此等級的W系列廣角也僅有28mm,這次SONY則端出更多的牛肉,讓W380 ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W320 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com (4月21日)當變焦鏡頭最大光圈只有恆定 f/2.8 幾乎已成為「定律」的時候,大家又有否想過一支鏡頭既可有變焦的方便... (4月15日) 近年流行大屏幕的平板手機,中規機要在市場上生存,很多品牌亦會以旗艦機的名義,推出迷你
Amazon.com : Sony DSC-RX100M II Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera 20.2MP, Black : Point And Shoot Digi Comment: Item is in original packaging, but packaging will come damaged. Small scratches on front of item (less than ¼" x ¼"). Item has been tested and is fully ... Because our price on this item is lower than the manufacturer's suggested retail price, th
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Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W380 Review | PhotographyBLOG Expert review of the Sony Cyber- shot DSC- W380 camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more... ...
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Archived DSC-W380 : W Series : Digital Camera : Sony Australia The ultra-slim and stylish 14.1 megapixel, 5x optical zoom camera equipped with super wide-angle 24mm F2.4 G Lens promises clearer and sharper images even in low-light ...
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