Adele performing Someone Like You | BRIT Awards 2011 - YouTube Adele performs Someone Like You live at the BRIT Awards 2011.
♪痞子dj: 【愛黛兒】Adele - Someone Like You, Live in Her Home [Lyrics 中英文歌詞] - yam天空部落 Adele - Someone Like You, Live in Her Home ... yam 蕃薯藤 天空部落 網誌 相簿 影音 夯集 PK吧! 揪便宜 i鬥圖 la zorza 買房子 好康活動 搜尋 註冊 登入 夯集 隨便逛 正妹 熱門 網誌 旅遊/攝影 愛情/交友 親子/教育 ...
someone like you_百科 這支MV還將巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔列為背景之一 而作為Adele最為傷感的情歌 Someone Like you 帶給歌迷的最大感受便是失去愛情的那種難以自拔的痛心 Adele在音樂錄影帶中的神情也將整首歌曲的情感完全表達了出來 再加上黑白的背景表明愛情已經逝去 整支音樂 ...
xkcd: Online Communities < Prev Random Next > >| Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ... Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be ...
spEak You're bRanes Thanks to Claire. Here’s Richard Dawkins telling everyone why he won’t debate with cunts. Wise words. Call them a cunt and then leave off. You could learn a great deal from this man. Here’s someone who couldn’t, largely down to the burden of converting ox
Adele - Someone Like You (Live in Her Home) - YouTube Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2010 XL Recordings Ltd.
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