Adele【Someone Like You】 像你一樣的人 (中英文歌詞) @ 老小姐的MP3 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Adele【Someone Like You】 像你一樣的人 (中英文歌詞) @ 老小姐的MP3 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 留言列表 (111) 發表留言 #1 訪客 於 2011/03/19 14:28 我喜歡Adele! 老小姐 一週年快樂喔^^ 訪客:簡簡單單、不管外表、不管技巧、就是唱歌的Adele,我想很多 ...
Adele【Someone Like You】 像你一樣的人(中英文歌詞) @ 老小姐的 ... 2011年3月19日 - 然後注意到,對我來說,一切還沒結束啊 Never mind, I'll find someone like you 放心吧!我會找到一個像你一樣的人
Someone Like You 歌詞Adele ※ 魔鏡歌詞網 I had hoped you'd see my face. And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over. Never mind, I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics | MetroLyrics Lyrics to 'Someone Like You' by Adele. I heard that you're settled down / That you found a girl and you're married now / I heard that your dreams came true /
Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics Lyrics taken from Explanations new Meanings Share Link: Embed: Email Translate Print Tweet Like Tweet +1 Guccichild 2r1t Correct Due to the difficulties with automatic merging of existing If .
Someone Like You-Adele (歌詞中文翻譯) - 三分鐘熱度 - 痞 ... 2012年2月16日 - Someone Like You原唱者:Adele發行年:2011 這首歌,在伍思凱的「秋天別來」裡也表達過相似的意境,連詞意和編曲都很像。 【讀者若發現影片遭 ...
Adele - Someone like you:歌詞+翻譯。lyrics | 音樂庫 Adele - Someone like you:歌詞+翻譯. 0 意見. 前一首「Rolling in the Deep」還在高唱再也不需要那樣的男人下一首悲傷的道出「Someone like you」,希望能找到像你 ...
Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics 神似你的人(中英歌詞) 英國 ... Adele - Someone Like You Lyrics. Someone Like You 神似你的人. I heard, that your settled down 我聽說,你已經安定下來. That you, found a girl and your ...
Adele "Someone Like You" 英文歌詞(中文翻譯) - YouTube 【Someone Like You】 像你一樣的人 分享一首旋優美而憂傷的情歌這首歌不僅是在訴說失戀的痛苦同時也告訴人們要勇敢去追尋愛情即使愛情破碎 ...
Adele - someone like you [中文歌詞] - YouTube 這首歌是我在中國好聲音聽一個學員唱過這首歌,她把這首歌唱得不錯喔!. Read moreShow less · Translate. Reply. ·. Show moreLoading.