影 落寞之聲: DSL&SMG錯誤代碼整理表 - yam天空部落 SMG常見的錯誤 代碼導覽 ===== 1.下載出現錯誤400: 在DSL軟體的工具→選項→下載設定→【直接連線下載】打勾取消就可以載了 ... 7.出現錯誤代碼11004:網路都沒接怎麼下載..... 8.出現錯誤代碼11060:請先中斷連線後,重新連線再開DSL9.如 不然就是 ...
Windows Sockets Error Codes (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft Windows Sockets (Winsock) error codes returned by the WSAGetLastError function. ... WSANO_DATA; 11004. Valid name, no data record of requested type.
socket error #10054 錯誤 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問我ftp到遠端的linux server去get檔案,但是出現 socket error #10054 Connection reset by ...
Windows Sockets Error Codes (Windows) due to a data transmission time-out or protocol error. WSAECONNRESET 10054 Connection reset by peer. ... ...
Socket Error 10054 (Can't read from control socket, CuteFTP, Socket Error 10054) THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE APPLIES TO: CuteFTP® Home (All Versions) CuteFTP Pro® (All Versions) ...
What Are the Common Causes of Socket Error 10054? The most common causes of socket error 10054 are accidentally shutting down software or closing a ...
SOCKET_ERROR: 10054 - Windows OS - List IT - Index page SOCKET_ERROR: 10054 This error means that the connection has been reset, and it is defined in WINSOCK.H ...
socket error#10054_知道 網友採納:
windows 7 - socket error 10054 - Stack Overflow Python socket error on UDP data receive. ( 10054) 0 .Net Sockets - 10054 Error 1 Socket.EndAccept() error ...
python - socket.error: [Errno 10054] - Stack Overflow when I run this code I get this error.. socket. error: [ Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly ...