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SLIK 腳架 ( 日本最大品牌 ) - 報價單 Designed with the professional photographer in mind. Ultra heavy construction for use with D-SLR and 35mm still camera with long telephoto/zoom lens, large format camera ... Designed with the professional photographer in mind. Ultra heavy construction for
照相機商鋪地址 (updated 2007.10) - 報料區 - DCHome.net 數碼天地論壇 - Powered by Discuz! [quoted]1、凱樂圖片社: 地址:羅湖區人民南路海豐苑103號(國貿大廈對面) 主營:提供負片沖印、證件照拍攝、複印服務;銷售機身、鏡頭、配件、膠片(負片、正片、120)、暗房器材、濾鏡、腳架(135架)、國產閃光燈、相機電池等。