Computer Science | SciTech Connect Computing functionality is ubiquitous. Today this logic is built into almost any machine you can think of, from home electronics and appliances to motor vehicles, and it governs the infrastructures we depend on daily — telecommunication, public utilities
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SKETCHING USER EXPERIENCES STORIES ... SKETCHING USER. EXPERIENCES. STORIES. STRATEGIES. SURFACES. Nicolai Marquardt. Interactions Lab | University of Calgary. Guest lecture at LMU ...
Sketching For Better Mobile Experiences | Smashing Magazine Mobile user experience design is maturing. One way to gauge this is to look at the tools at our disposal. Prototyping tools such as Balsamiq, Axure and Fireworks enable us to build wireframes and click-dummies, helping us to explain the targeted user expe
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GRAND CHALLENGES GRAND CHALLENGES FOR ENGINEERING 3 Another popular proposal for long-term energy supplies is nuclear fusion, the artifi cial re-creation of the sun’s source of power on Earth. The quest for fusion has stretched the limits of engineering ingenuity, but hope
Document Comparison and Document Conversion Software Tools from SoftInterface September 2nd User interface of all conversion products have been enhanced significantly. April 13th PDF files can now be digitally signed (X.509) with version 7.01 of 'Convert Doc'. August 3rd 'Diff Doc' now can handle PDFs that contain OCR data.
Pearson Prentice Hall - CMP2 CMP was developed with funds from the National Science Foundation. Connected Mathematics 2 (CMP2) is here! The next generation of your favorite NSF-funded middle school program provides students with an investigative approach to learning mathematics. This