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新股上市 新股上市 上市日期 股票名稱 上市張數 項目 01/13 1715 萬洲 21,000 現金增資,繳款憑證上市 01/13 2406 國碩 78 證券轉換,新股上市 01/14 1340 F-勝悅 8,100 現金增資,繳款憑證上市 01/14 4747 強生 2,700 現金增資,新股上市
Sourcing Agents in China, Indenting Agents China, Sourcing of Building Materials China, Furniture Sinotrade Global Ltd is a sourcing and indenting agents dealing in furniture and building materials with its headquarters in China. ... Sinotrade Global Ltd is a company registered in Hong Kong and has successfully been ...