plataformatec/simple_form · GitHub 18 Oct 2014 ... Since Simple Form generates a wrapper div around your label and input by default, you can pass any html attribute to that wrapper as well ...
ASCIIcasts - “Episode 234 - Simple Form” To use SimpleForm we must first add the gem to the application's Gemfile . / Gemfile. gem "simple_form".
Simple form association custom label name - Stack Overflow 2011年6月13日 - You'll have to use the :label_method option for this. false, :label_method => lambda { |owner| ...
Rails Simple Form custom association select field - Stack Overflow 2012年6月11日 - Use the Rails select() form helper, wrapped by a SimpleForm input.
ruby on rails - simple form association input: limit options by ... 2013年3月5日 - You can limit the collection options using this: f.association :business_type, :as = > :collection_select, collection: BusinessType.where('biztype ?', 1) ...
specify values in Simple Form Association - Stack Overflow 2013年10月9日 - This is what works for me: Employee. where('student_advisor' => true), :label_method => :full_name, ...
Rails simple_form association issue - Stack Overflow 2013年8月27日 - First of all, you should be using singular for belongs_to , not plural. So your model becomes class Player < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :team end.
Method: SimpleForm::FormBuilder#association — Documentation ... Helper for dealing with association selects/radios, generating the collection automatically. It's just a wrapper to input, so all options supported in input are also ...
Class: SimpleForm::FormBuilder — Documentation for plataformatec ... Helper for dealing with association selects/radios, generating the collection automatically. It's just a wrapper to input, so all options supported in input are also ...
#234 SimpleForm (revised) - RailsCasts 2012年3月3日 - Easily generate complex forms with SimpleForm. ... You can pass a block to f. input or f.association call and use rails form helpers there like this:.