Apple - 色彩繽紛的 iPod shuffle,具有 VoiceOver、播放列表等功能。 iPod shuffle 讓你夾上身就走。有了按鈕、VoiceOver 及播放列表等功能,它是最棒的 iPod shuffle 。七種色彩供你選擇。
Apple - Colorful iPod shuffle with VoiceOver, playlists, and more. The clip-and-go iPod shuffle. With buttons, VoiceOver, and playlists, it’s the best of iPod shuffle. Available in seven colors. ... Control your music with just a click. The big, clickable control pad on the front of iPod shuffle makes it easy to see and
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翻新 iPod shuffle 1GB - 藍色 - Apple Store (香港) 翻新 iPod shuffle 1GB - 藍色 - 可容納多達 240 首歌曲 可播放音樂長達 12 小時 15.6 克 4.11 x 2.72 x 1.04 厘米 Apple 耳機 隨附底座 ... 蘋果認證之維修品 - 合格產品、絕佳的價格 - 銷售前嚴謹的維修程序 - 包括蘋果一年的 有限保養 - 可另外購買 AppleCare ... > 【新聞稿】iPod shuffle 1GB 正式到貨 即日起在全省家樂福開賣 【台北訊,2005年2月22日】蘋果電腦的iPod shuffle 1GB正式到貨囉!繼2月中旬與7-ELEVEN採實體供貨合作,推出512MB的iPod shuffle引起消費者熱烈搶購後,蘋果電腦此次更結合了與消費者零距離的量販店通路,在全省34家家樂福販售iPod
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iPod shuffle - Buy iPod shuffle 2GB - Apple Store (U.S.) Buy iPod shuffle from the Apple Online Store, featuring multiple playlists, VoiceOver, and enough storage for hundreds of songs. ... A full spectrum of colors. Hundreds of songs. The iPod shuffle is colorful, portable, and wearable. Clip it on and take ..
APPLE iPod shuffle 1GB 全新四色登場 @ 雨令 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: APPLE iPod shuffle 1GB 全新四色登場 公司貨現金價:1860 元 (含郵寄費;不含外島,外島另計) 任選一種繽紛色彩,夾上 iPod shuffle,就等於戴上您的音樂徽章。 全世界最適合配戴在身上的音樂隨身聽 iPod shuffle,現在增加了藍色、綠色、粉紅、以及 ...
Apple iPod shuffle 2GB - Silver (Apple iPod shuffle 2GB - Silver (Latest Model - Launched Sept 2012) Big on Colour The colourful, clip-and-go iPod shuffle. With buttons, VoiceOver, and playlists, it’s got all the greatest hits. Hundreds of Songs to Go Never leave a favorite tune behind. Along with up to 15 hours of battery life,1 iPod shuffle gives you 2