螢幕擷取(列印您的螢幕) - Microsoft Windows 說明 了解如何擷取電腦螢幕的圖片,然後列印圖片或是將圖片貼到文件或電子郵件中 ... 電腦和其他裝置沒有PrtScn 鍵,或者需要使用不同的按鍵組合來抓取螢幕擷取畫面 ...
超好用截圖軟體《FastStone Capture》截圖順便加上邊框和浮水印 | 就是教不落 1、截取 目前開啟的視窗 2、截取物件、視窗 3、截取選取範圍(矩形選取) ... 《LightShot》是一套免費的圖片擷取軟體,其實網路上的截圖軟體不下數十種,不論是軟體類、瀏覽器外掛或是線上工具等等,而LightShot不僅提供了軟體直接安裝使用,另外提供 ...
使用剪取工具擷取螢幕擷取畫面- Windows 說明 有時候製作物件複本最簡便的方式,就是擷取螢幕擷取畫面;這就是剪取工具的用途 。 使用它來儲存和分享新聞事件、電影 ...
TinyTake - Best Free Windows Screen Capture Software TinyTake is a free screen capture software for Microsoft Windows. With TinyTake, you can capture images and videos of your computer screen, add comments ...
3 Ways to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows - wikiHow Press the "Print Screen" ( PrtScr) key on your keyboard. This will capture an image of your entire screen and copy it to the clipboard. The dimensions of the image will be the same as your desktop resolution. The PrtScr button may be labeled "PrtScn", "Pr
Quick Tip: Take fast screenshots with Windows 8 shortcut ... 10 Apr 2013 ... If you click the keyboard combination of the Windows Key + Print Screen, Windows 8 will capture the ...
Capture screenshot Capture screenshot on windows, mac and linux. How to capture screenshots manually and with software tools. Take a screenshot from your mobile or tablet. ... How to capture screenshots, what screenshots are useful for and how you can capture the screen ...
Firefox擴充套件《Awesome Screenshot-Capture and Annotate》網頁截圖工具 | 就是教不落 平常阿湯都是用「FastStone Capture」及「PicPick」居多,但如果有時是要擷取Firefox瀏覽器網頁時,就不會這麼麻煩還特別再開啟截圖軟體,直接使用Firefox擴充套件《Awesome Screenshot-Capture and Annotate》這套網頁截圖工具,需要時按一下就可以快速 ...
Screenshot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A screenshot, screen capture (or screen-cap), screen dump, screengrab[1] is an image taken by the computer user to record the visible items displayed on the monitor, television, or another visual output device. Usually, this is a digital image using the o
Capture screenshot in Windows 8 Metro tablet Capture screenshot in Windows 8. How to take a screenshot on a tablet without using a keyboard. How to do it and where to find the screenshots. ... Capture screenshot in Windows 8 with a tablet requires no keyboard. Go into the Windows 8 metro mode. Press