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JCR2012 JCR2012 ... ISSN, Total Cites, Impact Factor, 5-Year Impactor Factor, Immediacy Index, Articles .... 52, 51, ACS COMB SCI, 2156-8952, 81, 0.852, 88, 0.00006.
Open Access Journals Impact Factors | OMICS Publishing Group Journal Name PubMed Abbreviation ISSN Impact Factor* (IF) Addiction Research & Therapy J Addict Res Ther 2155-6105 1.77 AIDS & Clinical Research J AIDS Clin Res 2155-6113 3.76 Allergy & Therapy J Allergy Ther 2155-6121 1.38 Analytical ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine - Journal - Elsevier Impact Factor: 2013: 1.093 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2014
Comparison of Journal Citation Reports and Scopus Impact Factors for Ecology and Environmental Scien Conclusion Impact factors are useful for ranking and comparing scholarly journals, and are one of the most widely used indicators of journals' significance to the scholarly community. With all the weight that is given to the impact factor, it is important
JMIR-Can Tweets Predict Citations? Metrics of Social Impact Based on Twitter and Correlation with Tr ABSTRACT Background: Citations in peer-reviewed articles and the impact factor are generally accepted measures of scientific impact. Web 2.0 tools such as Twitter, blogs or social bookmarking tools provide the possibility to construct innovative article-l
Guide for authors | Phytochemistry | 0031-9422 | Elsevier Author instructions for preparation and submission of an article to Phytochemistry... ... Phytochemistry invites research articles on all aspects of pure and applied plant chemistry, plant biochemistry, plant molecular biology and chemical ecology.
Author Guidelines - Hindawi Publishing Corporation Stem Cells International is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of stem cells. Stem Cells International page ... Author Guidelines Submission Manuscripts should
BMC Medicine | Full text | Open access versus subscription journals: a comparison of scientific impa Figure 1 shows the average JCR impact factor for OA and subscription journals weighted by the number of articles as a function of the time period the journal was launched and location of the publisher. The left side of the figure includes the journals ...