Master Journal List - IP & Science - Thomson Reuters The Master Journal List includes all journal titles covered in Science products. ... The Master Journal List includes all journal titles covered in Scientific products. Refer to the Journal Submission Process if you wish to submit a print or electronic jo
Impact factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in ... The ISI Web of Knowledge indexes more than 11,000 science and social science ... ...
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Impact Factor 2012 Abbreviated Journal Title. ISSN. Total. Cites. Impact. Factor. 5-Year. Impactor. Factor. Articles. Cited. Half- life .... ACS COMB SCI. 2156-8952. 81. 88. ACS MED ...
JCR2012 JCR2012 ... ISSN, Total Cites, Impact Factor, 5-Year Impactor Factor, Immediacy Index, Articles .... 52, 51, ACS COMB SCI, 2156-8952, 81, 0.852, 88, 0.00006.
Impact Factor 2014 List | Open Access Journals To be indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI and JCR the journal be started atleast 2009 to get impact factor in 2012. So scholars check the starting issue date of a ...
impact factor - Sci-Edit Publications 22 Feb 2013 ... We understand your zeal to know the impact factor of the journal before you publish in it. Since, we receive ... published articles in 2012-2013.
Journal Impact Factors from ISI Web of Knowledge (Aug 2010) Journals with impact factor over 10 .................. 2 ..... CELL STEM CELL. 23.563 .... Biochemical research methods. Abbreviated Journal Title. Impact. Factor.
Semiconductor Science and Technology - IOPscience Semiconductor Science and Technology on IOPscience. ... 2014 Nobel Prize Collection SST congratulates Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura on becoming the latest Nobel Prize for Physics laureates.
Forum of chalcogeniders Phase-Change, Boolchand phase, Intermediary phase, Nanomaterials, Nanotubes, Chalcogenide glasses: state of the art, ovonic, smart computer, energy & information, ... B. Vlad-Oros, D. Dascalu, Z. Dudas, H. Popovici, G. Preda, V. Ostafe "Equilibrium and ..