高麗菜食譜:專業酸高麗菜做法 - 健康素食料理 2013年6月16日 - 高麗菜食譜:專業酸高麗菜做法,醃製好吃酸高麗菜作法秘訣,健康又養生的開胃小菜!此道健康又養生之酸高麗菜,無論參與Potluck或宴客小菜, ...
337.超簡單系列24:德國酸菜@ 周老師的美食教室:: 痞客邦 ... 2013年5月8日 - (用本篇的做法,把高麗菜改成大白菜,也是東北酸白菜的另一種醃法) 不過酸. ... 醃好的德國酸菜很耐放,冷藏可以保存幾個月,配德國豬腳、香腸吃最 ...
自製德國酸菜Sauerkraut @ ohmylife 時間的滋味:: 痞客邦 ... 2014年3月3日 - 這篇主要是因為想弄德國豬腳才順便作的,簡單到應該給個配方表就搞定了,但這樣有點混,所以還是拍了一些照片。 德國酸菜Sauerkraut,基本上 ...
洋蔥牛排餐廳官方網站(創始店) - 排餐類套餐 洋蔥招牌菜-德國酸椰菜豬腳 洋蔥牛排排餐類套餐選用上等前腿蹄膀加入洋蔥獨家香料熬煮8~10個小時使獨門醬汁深入骨髓,搭配熟成技術先炸後烤,更使豬腳外酥內嫩, 鮮甜多汁;每日現點現做、限量供應 。 早期賣德國豬腳的西餐廳並不多,而且享用德國豬腳都必須事先預
Sauerkraut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sauerkraut (/ ˈ s aʊər k r aʊ t /; German pronunciation: [ˈzaʊ.ɐˌkʁaʊt] (listen)), directly translated: "sour cabbage", is finely cut cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus It
sauerkraut酸高麗菜 - 相關部落格
Got Cabbage? Try Homemade Sauerkraut! - Real Food - MOTHER EARTH NEWS Homemade sauerkraut is a fun fermented food that's easy to prepare and good for you. ... Jehan - My mother used to make sauerkraut in wide mouth canning jars (Mason jars). She would pack the cabbage in the jars, top with salt, and have us kids tamp it dow
Preserving Food with the Lactic-Acid Fermentation Method: Sauerkraut Tutorial - Keeper of the Home Excellent instructions! I’m a big fan of homemade sauerkraut myself, and am on my second batch! I had quick question about this: “Then place the two jar seals, rubberized side up, on top of the cabbage, side by side to hold cabbage under liquid.” Can you
Foy Update: Brain Food: Sauerkraut and Cabbage Soup - Recipe You know how soup recipes often call for some acid at the end? Something like tomatoes, vinegar or lemon juice to finish the soup and add some complexity? Well this soup uses sauerkraut to get that kick. It seems like something a German grandma would do .
Spare Cabbage? Make Sauerkraut | A Self Sufficient Life I have long had a love affair with Sauerkraut but always thought you needed to live in Eastern Europe and have a tonne of cabbage to make it yourself. I was w