Serial ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Serial ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) (SATA) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives.
SATA 2 vs. SATA 3 cable - Homebuilt - Systems - Tom's Hardware Yes, there is a real difference, it's the data transfer speed. SATA 3 has the potential to double the speed of SATA 2. Like malmental posted, the cables can be ...
SATA I, SATA II 和SATA III的區別 - 支援 - SanDisk 2013年6月7日 ... SATA I (版本1.x) 接口, 正式名稱爲SATA 1.5Gb/s, 是第一代SATA接口,運行速度爲 1.5Gb/s。這個接口 ...
[分享]SATA2 vs SATA3之傳統硬碟效能PK.. (第1頁) - 硬碟- Mobile01 新製程的硬碟不只是容量上的提昇,存取速度也有相對的提高,所以要買硬碟的話,買 SATA3規格的就對啦!
同為1TB容量SATA2/SATA3性能差多少?_北美新浪財經 2010年3月18日 - 從2002年到現在,接口實現了從PATA到SATA的轉變,但速度依然沒有得到很好的改觀。在SATA未能給速度帶來多大提升的時候,SATA2來了,並帶 ...
Sata 2 vs Sata 3 HDD - Hard Drives - Storage - Tom's Hardware The Samsung Sata 2 HDD gets close to 140MB Read/Write past 8k ... I plugged the SATA 2 drive into the SATA 3 port and the speeds are a consistant 140MB/s
快克利3C產品便利供應站~SATA硬碟,IDE硬碟,Seagate硬碟,WD硬碟,日立硬碟,HITASHI硬碟,EXCELSTOR硬碟,Maxtor硬碟~全年超 ... 產品料號: W3232 尺寸:2.5吋 噪音:2.0 dbA 容量:1TB 介面規格:SATA 6Gb/s (SATA3) 主軸轉速:7200RPM 緩衝記憶體:8MB 產品系列/世代:WD Black² 結合SSD與HDD的雙驅動硬碟 內部傳輸速率:421Mbits/sec(Max) 介面速率:600MB/sec
【西部數據500GB 7200轉 16MB SATA3 藍盤 WD5000AAKX】報價_參數_圖片_論壇_WD 500GB 7200轉 16MB SATA3 藍 ...-ZOL中關村在線 西部數據4TB 7200轉 64MB SATA3 黑盤(WD4003FZEX) 西部數據500GB 7200轉 32M SATA3 藍盤(WD5000AZLX) 西部數據2TB 7200轉 64MB 黑盤(WD2003FZEX) 西部數據4TB 7200轉 64MB 紅盤(WD20EFRX) 西部數據6TB 64MB SATA3 綠盤 ...
SATA 2 vs. SATA 3 cable - Homebuilt - Systems Hi Building my new PC I've looking at two sets of SATA cables. One said "SATA 2.0 3 GB/S" and the other said "SATA 3.0 6 GB/s". But looking at the cables and the connectors ...
SATA 3 VS SATA 2 is it a huge difference on games? - Hard Drives ... Hi i own a 640GB WD caviar black sata 2 hard drive.... Im buying a new rig but ... The faster SATA 3 is used by SSDs only. Since it's cheaper to ...