GALAXY S4 LTE - 功能 | SAMSUNG - Samsung US | Homepage Framework SAMSUNG 全新Samsung GALAXY S4內外兼修,盡善盡美,智能設計拉近人與人距離,令相聚每刻更多樂趣、更難忘。劃時代超卓效能,化繁為簡,體貼生活每個細節,一機 ...
SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 LTE-A手機介紹 - SOGI手機王 三星正式發表新四代旗艦 SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 LTE-A 智慧型手機,外觀搭載世界首款 Full HD Super AMOLED 螢幕能呈現最佳畫質。搭配 5 吋大螢幕,可創造令人驚豔的瀏覽畫質與視覺享受。同時配備康寧全新 Gorilla Glass 3 玻璃,使其成為所有
GALAXY S4 LTE - 產品概述 | SAMSUNG - Samsung US | Homepage Framework 完美,內外盡展 GALAXY S4造型時尚尊貴,質感獨特,機身厚度僅為7.9mm,輕巧纖薄。5"全高清SUPER AMOLED 全輕觸式屏幕,將細緻影像展現無遺。配合超強四核心處理器*,強大效能無與倫比。* 4G LTE版本配備四核心處理器;3G版本配備雙四核心處理器。
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE (i9505 / i9507) 手機介紹 - ePrice.HK Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE 外觀和上代 Galaxy SIII (S3) 有點近似,具有黑、白兩色機身,採用了圓角線條設計,機背則由平滑的鏡面改用花紋設計。機身尺寸為 136.6 x 69.8 x 7.9,重量也只有 130g,薄邊框的設計讓 Galaxy S4 LTE 手機寬度控制在 70mm
GALAXY S4 LTE - OVERVIEW - Samsung SAMSUNG The brand new Samsung GALAXY S4 is all beauty and perfection, inside out. Its intelligent features help bring us closer and capture those fun ...
Samsung GALAXY S4 香港發佈!8 核 3G 版及 4 核 4G LTE 版均售 HK$5,898! - TechOrz 囧科技 今天 Samsung 正式在本港發佈了 Samsung GALAXY S4!三星在發佈會當中花了不少時間介紹 GALAXY S4 的功能,另外也介紹了四核 4G LTE 版本及八核 3G 版本的 Samsung GALAXY S4。 贊助商連結 Samsung GALAXY S4 的四核 4G LTE 及八核 3G 版本均售 HK$5,898
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE - UAE - OVERVIEW SAMSUNG GT-I9505, dual shot, dual camera, sound and shot, group play, life companion, smart stay, smart pause, air view, air gesture, captures all the fun, ...
Samsung Galaxy S4 I9500 3G Vs Galaxy S4 I9505 LTE - Samsung Update What’s the difference between Galaxy S4 I9500 and I9505? The other thing that needs to be clarified is whether there will be a Galaxy S4 I9305 model or not. Usually this version number is reserved for the LTE variant of the device. I recently discovered t
Review: Samsung Galaxy S4 (3G i9500 and 4G i9505) - Neowin 24 Jun 2013 ... ... marketing budget. We have both the 3G i9500 and 4G i9505 on-hand, so here's our comprehensive review. ... Review: Samsung Galaxy S4 (3G i9500 and 4G i9505) · Tim Schiesser ...... Plastic vs metal is not a spec.
[HD] Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 4G vs i9500 3G Internet ... [HD] Samsung Galaxy S4 i9505 4G vs i9500 3G Internet Speed Test .... Samsung Galaxy s4 Unlock How to ...