SAMSUNG GALAXY ACE(S5830)~王者機~開箱兼ROOT教學兼效能測試 (第1頁) - SAMSUNG (Android) - Mobile01 呼呼~~忙碌了一個星期~在星期天晚上終於有一點點時間來把這星期新入荷的 ~三星~Galaxy Ace... ... jacket wrote: 我再上傳到01好了...(恕刪) 01已經可以下載了 請問這是針對S5830去寫的ROOT工具嗎? 不曉得i9003能不能用?
How to Network unlock your Samsung i5800/i5801 using ADB - Android Forums How to network unlock your Samsung i5800/i5801 phone using ADB (or not as the case may be! Please read the entire thread before starting.) Firstly, if ... Hi bjlabuk, I came across your writting for the unlocking prodedure and its a very nice ... thanks f
How To Update Samsung Galaxy 3 I5801 to Froyo 2.2 Firmware - Android Advices For Samsung Galaxy 3 i5801 owners there’s a great news for all you guys has arrived, yes the most awaited Froyo 2.2 has arrived for Galaxy 3 not through KI
Samsung三星手機論壇-三星Rom包下載|Root許可權獲取-機鋒官網 機鋒官網Samsung三星手機論壇提供安卓手機用戶購機經驗、玩機技巧。同時分享三星手機遊戲、三星手機軟體、三星rom包下載、三星root許可權獲取、三星手機電子書、三星手機 ...
三星手機root許可權獲取教程 - 手機軟體、手機遊戲、主題、壁紙免費下載 - 歷趣手機應用商店 當前位置:> ROOT許可權獲取教程 > 三星 > 選擇設備型號 選擇手機品牌 熱門機型 昂達 阿爾卡特 愛國者 奧克斯 步步高 貝爾豐 北斗 ... D710 (Galaxy ...
三星 Samsung論壇-官方ROM漢化一鍵Root軟體下載刷機教程 - Powered by Discuz! 安卓網 三星 Samsung論壇,提供三星Samsung一鍵Root軟體,官方ROM下載,漢化ROM,美化ROM,分享購機討論,價格,怎麼樣,國行水貨選購區别,開箱圖賞,入手評測
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三星 I5801/I5800 (Galaxy 3) 論壇 - 安卓論壇 安卓論壇-中國最大Android手機交流社區 - Powered by Discuz! 三星 I5800論壇為Android安卓機友們提供三星 I5800 Galaxy 3 手機最好的交流論壇,分享三星 I5800 Galaxy 3 手機優缺點,刷機rom教程,遊戲軟體下載,解決三星 I5800手機使用 ...
Root/Unroot Samsung Galaxy 3 Running Android 2.2 FroYo It does not work on Samsung Galaxy 3, I5801. I have recently upgraded to Froyo, provided by Samsung. When I ran the SuperOneClick v1.5, it connected to the device but was unable to get the root access or few files which it was looking for… messages flashe
Galaxy 3 GT-i5800: root, gps fix, lagfix, up… | Samsung Galaxy Apollo (Galaxy 3 i5800) | XDA Forums Superuser app issue: Found out the issue with Superuser App crash. If you install new superuser 2.3.1 the app will crash if you click on the Info Tab. The first Time you One-Click Root you will need to run something as superuser which will add an item the