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Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 - Samsung Mobile GALAXY Tab 2 - Easy Every Day, Tab 2 is Life All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this website including, but not limited to,the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance,
SAMSUNG GALAXY Tab 3 7.0 3G平板電腦介紹 - SOGI手機王 三星推出了新型平板電腦 SAMSUNG GALAXY Tab 3 7.0,全新 SAMSUNG GALAXY Tab3 7.0 縮減邊框寬度,相較前一代產品減少達35%,更輕更薄的設計,讓使用者更好單手掌握,並兼具大螢幕優勢;並兼具大螢幕優勢配備 7 吋觸控螢幕、1,024 ×600
Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this website including, but not limited to,the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change wi
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Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 Galaxy Tab 3 7.0" 8.0" Features Specifications Images 10.1" Display 8” WXGA (1280 x 800, 189 PPI) TFT Chipset Exynos 4212 (Dual 1.5 GHz) Memory ...
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