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運行Android 3.0及搭載2GHz CPU的Samsung Galaxy S2 i9200規格漏出! - TechOrz 囧科技 這未免太快了吧!這邊 Samsung Galaxy S 旗艦級的手機才剛推出,亦才剛聽到有關於 Android 3.0 的消息,沒想到 Android 3.0 規格的手機就要傳出消息了。這次的消息來自俄國,是一部運行 Android 3.0 的 Samsung Galaxy S2 i9200。 贊助商連結
[情報] 2GHz處理器 三星新旗艦手機i9200曝光【Galaxy S I9000討論】 - SOGI手機王 ... Android 3.0系統等豪華功能配置的HTC旗艦級新機HTC Sabor率先被海外媒體曝光之後,又有來自三星的豪華旗艦Galaxy S2 (i9200)在網絡上露出冰山一角。
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SAMSUNG RELEASED the GALAXY S2 I9200!!! - 手機新聞 - Samsung 討論區 - ePrice.HK The latest mobile phone by Samsung, Galaxy S2 i9200 has an incredible CPU for it has a 2GHz CPU. 1 GB ram, 4 GB rom. Also it runs android 3.0 which is the latest version of android. Moreover it has a 4.3 inch 1280 x 720 screen. I think the galaxy s2 i9200 samsung galaxy s2 i9200 - Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computer digitharbor® Premium Termpered Glass Protection Screen for samsung Galaxy s2 i9200 Ultra-Thin NANO SLIM (0.25mm) High Transparency As Mirror Function , Delicate Touch , Perfect Adhesion , Oleophobic Coating , Rounded Border , Real Glass , Shatter ...