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Samsung Galaxy S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TechRadar acknowledged GPS faults in the Galaxy S, and stated that these have been fixed in the Google Nexus S ... The Samsung Galaxy S uses a 101.6-millimetre (4.00 in) Super AMOLED touch screen covered by Gorilla ...
Samsung Galaxy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Samsung Galaxy (stylized as Samsung GALAXY) is a series of Android-powered mobile computing devices designed, manufactured and marketed by Samsung Electronics. The product line includes the Galaxy S series of high-end ...
Samsung GALAXY J 簡約和風 5吋新旗艦 - Mobile01 本站新聞 Samsung在年底推出了日系簡約風的GALAXY J,有別於GALAXY S與GALAXY Not... ... 雖然亞洲地區6吋左右的平板手機越來越流行,但5吋螢幕仍是目前最主流的尺寸,也是大眾比較容易接受、單手便於操作的尺寸。
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Samsung Galaxy S5 review | Phone Reviews | TechRadar Samsung Galaxy S5 review | The S5 delivers fantastic specs and an amazing screen and is only let down by an uninspiring design. Reviews | TechRadar ... The Samsung Galaxy S5 can be defined by one word: evolution. The camera has evolved to give clearer ...
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【福利品】SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 I9500 16G 5吋雙四核心智慧手機 ... 雙四核心處理器;懸浮預覽Air View;5吋Full HD Super AMOL;同時前後置相機拍照 錄影.
iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 - Opinion - Trusted Reviews Samsung Galaxy S3 or iPhone 5? It's a tough question, and there are vocal advocates and detractors on both sides of the Apple/Android divide. The Galaxy S3 and iPhone 5 were the two most successful phones of 2012 and are still the some of the hottest mobi
Samsung GALAXY GRAND Neo樂享機五吋視野大不同四核 ... 2014年2月6日 - 2014年2月6日,台北訊-全球消費性電子領導品牌三星電子,今日推出全新五吋大螢幕智慧型手機GALAXY GRAND Neo樂享機,讓消費者透過超值 ...