Round-trip delay time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In telecommunications, the round-trip delay time (RTD) or round-trip time (RTT) is the length of time it takes for a signal to be sent plus the length of time it takes for an acknowledgment of that signal to be ...
Jserv's blog: 簡易測量 X round-trip time 簡易測量 X round-trip time 前文 [非同步 Xlib 處理機制] 探討了鮮為人知的 X Window System 的非同步設計議題。無論 XOrg 實做上引入哪些新機制,基本上,典型的運作模式大致為,在 reply-receiving 函式呼叫前,client 端會預先保存 reply data,接著,server 端施行...
Minimize round-trip times - Make the Web Faster — Google Developers Round-trip time ( RTT) is the time it takes for a client to send a request and the server to send a response over the network, not including the time required for data transfer....
Round Trip Time - The Tech-FAQ Round Trip Time, or RTT, also known as “round-trip delay time” is the time it takes for a signal to be sent from a transmitter to a receiver plus the
解釋頁 - 基金大觀園 電子/網路 封包來回時間 Round Trip Time。 RTT。 是指經由某ISP公司的網路,傳送一個封包至國內或國外的網路節點,並收到回應的平均所需時間。 相關字 防火牆 IP 封包過濾法 可適性差分脈衝碼調變...
Round Trip Time | Symatech Round Trip Time, or RTT, refers to the amount of time it takes for a signal to travel from a particular terrestrial system to a designated satellite and back to its source. Round... 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
What is round-trip time (RTT)? - Definition from Round-trip time ( RTT), also called round-trip delay, is the time required for a signal pulse or packet to travel from a specific source to a specific destination and back again....
Round-Trip Time (RTT) - WebHome < PERTKB < TWiki Round-Trip Time ( RTT) Round-trip time ( RTT) is the total time for a packet sent by a node A to reach is destination B, and for a response sent back by B to reach A....
Round-trip delay time - Princeton University - Home One problem that must be resolved when using a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is how to deal with timeouts and retransmissions. The round-trip delay time (RTD) or round-trip...