Excel-ROUND函數@ 學不完.教不停.用不盡:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2014年1月16日 - ROUND 函數主要是對對數字做指定位數的四捨五入計算。 ... (Windows, Excel, Word, PowerPoint 等電腦教學). 部落格全站分類:數位生活.
ROUND 函數- Excel - Office - Microsoft 全部顯示全部隱藏本文將說明Microsoft Office Excel 中ROUND 函數(函數:接受值、 執行作業並傳回值之預先撰寫的公式。使用函數可以簡化並縮短工作表上的公式, ...
SQL ROUND() Function - W3Schools Well organized easy to understand SQL tutorial with lots of examples. ... The ROUND() function is used to round a numeric field to the number of decimals ...
MS Access: Round Function - TechOnTheNet.com The Microsoft Access Round function returns a number rounded to a specified ... Round (12.55, 1), would return 12.6 (rounds up) ... Example (in SQL/Queries).
Rounding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia syntax and/or the standard libraries of most languages have commonly provided at least the four basic rounding functions (up, down, to nearest, and towards zero). The tie-breaking method may vary depending the language and version, and/or may be ...
Round in Excel - Easy Excel Tutorial RoundDown. The ROUNDDOWN function always rounds a number down ( toward zero). For example, round a number down to the ...
MS Excel: ROUND Function (WS) - TechOnTheNet.com Learn how to use the Excel ROUND function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel ROUND function returns a number rounded to a specified number of ...
How to Use Excel Round Function: A Step-By-Step Guide The ROUND function, one of Excel's math functions, is used to reduce a number to a specific number of decimal places. This tutorial includes a step by step ...
PHP: round - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor In case someone will need a "graceful" rounding (that changes it's precision to get a non 0 value) here's a simple function: function gracefulRound($val, $min = 2, $max = 4) { $result = round($val, $min); if ($result == 0 && $min < $max) { return ...
access 2010 round function - Microsoft Community In Access 2010, I am trying to use the Round() function in a query and it only works with zero decimal places. If I use anything else I just get the result with all of the decimal ...