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[分享] 超簡單自製iPhone鈴聲---iRinger - by iPhone4.TW iPhone雖然在某些領域上可以被稱為智慧手機,但是在很多部分卻不智慧甚至可以說用很蠢來形容,比如說更換鈴聲,在PDA手機只要將音效檔剪輯存檔為 mp3、WMA、WAV等格式就可以設定為鈴聲,但在iPhone上卻是沒辦法這麼做,以前我們可以用iTunes製作 ...
How to Set iPhone Ringtones - Setting iPhone ... - iPhone / iPod The default iPhone ringtone--the sound that plays when someone calls you--is fine, but you can make the iPhone more yours by customizing your ringtone.
How to set any song as a ringtone on your iPhone. Plus: how to get ... Bored of the standard iPhone ringtones and text message alerts? ... option to Create AAC version, it's likely because your rip settings are for creating MP3 files.