Ringer's solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ringer's solution is the name given to a solution of several salts dissolved in water for the purpose of creating an isotonic solution relative to the bodily fluids of ...
Lactated Ringer's solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ringers Lactate solution is a solution that is isotonic with blood and intended for intravenous administration. It may also be given subcutaneously. Ringers ...
Sydney Ringer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sydney Ringer FRS was a British clinician, physiologist and pharmacologist, best known for inventing Ringer's solution. He was born in March 1835 in Norwich, ...
藥品查詢/水、電解質和酸堿平衡用藥/複方氯化鈉注射液- 實用查詢 【中文名稱】:複方氯化鈉注射液. 【英文名稱】:Ringer Solution. 【類別】:水、電解質和 酸堿平衡用藥. 【說明】:【成分】本品為複方製劑,內含氯化鈉0.85%、氯化鉀0.03%、 ...
Ringer solution(針劑) 因Ringer solution (林格兒液)(廠牌: 永豐)未入第13屆藥品聯標,以Ringer's injection (林克氏注射液)(廠牌:大塚)取代。 新舊藥品比較. 舊藥. 新藥. 藥商/廠牌名稱.
Lactated Ringer's Solution - MedicineNet 26 Jun 2014 ... Consumer information about the medication sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium lactate and calcium (Lactated Ringer's Solution) ...
Liquide de Ringer — Wikipédia Le liquide de Ringer est une solution physiologique créée par Sydney Ringer. Cette solution est composée de chlorure de sodium, de potassium et de calcium.
Ringer's solution - The Free Dictionary Ringer's solution synonyms, Ringer's solution antonyms. Information about Ringer's solution in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia.
Ringer's solution | Define Ringer's solution at Dictionary.com an aqueous solution of the chlorides of sodium, potassium, and calcium in the same concentrations as normal body fluids, used chiefly in the laboratory for ...