Urban Dictionary: Ridin' Solo Rather, 'ridin' solo' refers to cotching, strictly on one's own, for a long period of time ... lyrics from the Jason Derulo song of the same name attest to this definition :
Urban Dictionary: Ridin' Solo Ridin' Solo. Being single. Most commonly used having just come out of a relationship and the ensuing euphoria after the pain of the bitch has gone. Defined in ...
Whats the meaning of 'riding solo'? - Answerology Do you have intimacy issues? Is your sex life normal? Ask any sex and intimacy questions and get honest answers from the community.
What does riding solo mean? - Answers - Yahoo yea right you have got to be kidding me it means alone that you are doing things by yourself. 0. 0. Comment. 2 answers hidden.
Does Ridin Solo mean something dirty? Please tell me the truth ... Defined in Jason Derulo's "Ridin' Solo". ... I'm ridin' solo, wanna be ma wingman? Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph... 1. 0.
Jason DeRulo - Ridin' Solo lyrics | LyricsMode.com Ridin' Solo lyrics by Jason DeRulo: Yeeeeeyeeeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, / I'm feeling like a star, you can't stop my ... Post my meaning; Write my explanation new.
What does ridin solo mean? | ChaCha Answer. Lenore Yarbro. "Riding Solo" means that you are single and not in a relationship. Lenore Yarbro 0 4 years ago. Ads by Google. Ads by Google ...
What does riding solo mean | ChaCha 2 Jan 2010 ... What does riding solo mean ChaCha Answer: The term. ... The term "Riding solo" means to do something by yourself, without others. Thanks for ...
Sometimes You Gotta Ride Solo | Revolutionary Paideia 21 Feb 2011 ... To “ride solo” means to do things alone for a certain period of time ... One of the benefits of riding solo is you have an opportunity to begin to see ...
What does the song "Ridin Solo" by Jason Derulo mean? - Yahoo Answers It means he is single so he is taking advantage of being single by going out and being free, but he is also saying sorry it didnt work out, but we ...