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張志強醫生 普通科醫生 Dr CHEUNG CHI KEUNG| 張志強醫生診所 電話 地址 張志強醫生, 診所電話:2657 2323, 地址:新界大埔廣福道51-59號中嘉閣地舖A,廣福道, Dr CHEUNG CHI KEUNG Clinic ... 註冊專科: 普通科 DR. CHEUNG CHI KEUNG 地址: 新界大埔廣福道51-59號中嘉閣地舖A Tel: 2657 2323 收費: $170-$180 專業資格:
The Medical Council of Hong Kong ***** The purpose of publishing a list of persons whose names appear in the General Register and the Specialist Register is to inform the public that each person named in the list is qualified to practise medicine, surgery and midwifery in Hong Kong under
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