瑞薩電子(Renesas Electronics) 全球第一的微控制器(MCU)供應商,並提供先進的電源半導體/類比半導體解決方案! 瑞薩電子為全球第一的Flash MCU供應商,同時也是各式power MOSFET與類比IC等先進半導體解決方案的領導品牌之一。業務範圍涵蓋了各種應用裝置的研發、設計與生產。
Renesas SP Drivers Inc. Renesas SP Drivers is a joint venture established by Renesas Electronics, Sharp Corporation and Powerchip Group in April 2008. It engages in the business of LCD Drivers that drive small and mid-sized LCD panels. As a top manufacturer in the display produc
敦吉科技股份有限公司 > 行銷通路事業群 > 通路行銷 > 代理產品 > Renesas SP Renesas SP Drivers is a joint venture established by Renesas Electronics, Sharp Corporation and Powerchip Group in April 2008. It engages in the business of LCD Drivers that drive small and mid-sized LCD panels. As a top manufacturer in the display produc
Renesas SP Drivers Inc. have consolidated their respective strengths in design, development, and production technology, and established Renesas SP Drivers Inc. as a joint venture specializing in drivers and controllers for small- and mid-size LCDs in order to realize improved ..
Contact Us | 瑞薩電子 (Renesas Electronics) For any inquiries or feedback, please contact your region. Asia and Oceania Japan 日本語 Mainland China / Hong Kong Region 简体中文 English South Korea 한국어 English Singapore / South & Southeast Asia / Oceania English Taiwan Region 繁體中文 English
敦吉科技股份有限公司 > 行銷通路事業群 > 通路行銷 > 代理產品 > Renesas SP > R63308 Renesas SP Drivers Inc. Announces R63308 (Liquid Crystal Driver for High-Definition LTPS Panels Supporting HD720) - High-performance liquid crystal driver for high-definition panels, which is ideal for smart phones and pursues low-power consumption - Octo
瑞力科技股份有限公司<公司簡介及所有工作機會>─104人力銀行 瑞力科技股份有限公司,其他相關製造業,瑞力科技係於2008年由力晶半導體以及日本Renesas SP 合資成立,主要營業項目為平面顯示器所需之顯示暨驅動IC(Driver IC)設計、製造以及銷售。母公司Renesas集團為全球第二大驅動IC之供應商,也是全球最大之智慧型 ...
Renesas Electronics Renesas Electronics Corporation, the world's number one supplier of flash microcontrollers, is a premier supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions including microcontrollers and a broad range of power MOSFET and analog IC devices, with operations spann
renesas sp -BBS繁體WIKI搜尋 我想買南科ˋ 華亞科ˋ力晶這三支股票- + 與日商瑞薩、SHARP合資設立Renesas SP公司,共同拓展LCD驅動晶片市場。 目前這兩家.是半斤八兩.全球的DRAM.是處在供過於求.有些廠商減產… 力晶重啟登陸傳落腳徐州| 產業新聞- 上班族論壇-老闆不要GGYY [老闆 ...
力晶半導體計劃於4月份成立晶片專業製造子公司 Maxchip所生產的晶片將被用在Renesas SP Drivers Inc.生產的小型液晶顯示器中。Renesas SP Drivers是力晶半導體與日本瑞薩科技(Renesas Technology Corp.)及夏普公司(Sharp Corp., 6753.TO) ...