瑞薩電子(Renesas Electronics) 全球第一的微控制器(MCU)供應商,並提供先進的電源半導體/類比半導體解決方案! 瑞薩電子為全球第一的Flash MCU供應商,同時也是各式power MOSFET與類比IC等先進半導體解決方案的領導品牌之一。業務範圍涵蓋了各種應用裝置的研發、設計與生產。
Renesas Electronics Renesas Electronics Corporation, the world's number one supplier of flash microcontrollers, is a premier supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions including microcontrollers and a broad range of power MOSFET and analog IC devices, with operations spann
台灣瑞薩電子代理商 | 瑞薩電子 (Renesas Electronics) 光菱電子股份有限公司 http://www.koryo.com.tw Koryo Electronics Co., Ltd. 221新北市汐止區新台五路1段79號9F之7 02-2698-1143 統一編號:22626725 菱台股份有限公司 Ryotai Corporation 105台灣台北市復興北路57號11樓 02-2731-1426
瑞萨电子 (Renesas Electronics) - 全球领先的MCU供应商,提供先进的半导体解决方案 瑞萨电子公司,是全球首屈一指的闪存微控制器供应商,拥有广泛的产品线,并提供尖端半导体解决方案及软件。以微控制器、功率MOSFET和模拟IC为首的半导体产品全面支持各种应用,业务涉及研发,设计及制造。
深度專輯 > 瑞薩與NEC電子合併 - DIGITIMES ... 半導體大廠亦積極拓展相關事業,增產電源控制晶片。東芝(Toshiba)日本境內的產能將倍增;瑞薩(Renesas)馬國廠的產量亦將提高至4倍。東芝計... NEC電子與瑞薩攜手合併 台灣IC ...
Renesas Electronics Introduces New USB 3.0 Host Controller with 85 Percent Reduced Power Consumption Renesas Electronics Introduces New USB 3.0 Host Controller with 85 Percent Reduced Power Consumption Accelerates Promotion of USB 3.0 by Releasing Low-Power Host Controller at Low Cost, a Follow-up to the Distinction of Releasing the World's First USB 3 .
Download Center Download new and previously released drivers including support software, bios, utilities, firmware and patches for Intel products. ... Purpose This download record provides the Renesas Electronics* USB 3.0 driver version for Intel® Desktop Boards
renesas nec - 購物搜尋結果
Microcontrollers (MCU) and Microprocessors (MPU) | Renesas Electronics America The Renesas microcontroller and microprocessor portfolio offers the most scalable MCU/MPU platforms available, offering low power, high performance, small packages and the largest range of memory sizes combined with feature-rich peripherals.
PChome線上購物 - 24h 購物《USB3.0 PCIe 2-PORT 擴充卡 Renesas(NEC) 720202晶片》 USB3.0 PCIe 2-PORT 擴充卡 Renesas(NEC) 720202晶片 ... - 智慧型分壓設計,快速充電,2port USB接頭可同時操作兩個裝置提升效率。 - 3A 電流可同時為平版電腦和手機充電!!