資訊: 如何Regsvr32.exe 註冊及取消註冊COM DLL - Microsoft Support 本文將告訴您,如何RegSvr32.exe 程式暫存器,以及取消註冊元件物件模型(COM) 動態連結程式庫(DLL)。您可以使用這項資訊來疑難排解當您嘗試 ...
當您嘗試藉由使用Regsvr32.exe 登錄DLL 時,您會收到 ... 當您嘗試使用Regsrv32.exe 命令列工具來註冊的動態連結程式庫(或DLL 或.dll 檔) 時,此DLL 尚未登錄,並可能會收到下列錯誤訊息: 附註在Windows NT 4.0 ...
regsvr32.exe Windows process - What is it? regsvr32.exe often causes problems and is important for Windows 7/8/XP. Click here to know how to avoid errors and why the true regsvr32.exe is a must.
Regsvr32 This command-line tool registers .dll files as command components in the registry. Syntax regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] dllname Top of page Parameters /u : Unregisters server. /s : Specifies regsvr32 to run silently and to not display any message
regsvr32 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computing, regsvr32 (Microsoft Register Server) is a command-line utility in Microsoft Windows operating systems for registering and unregistering DLLs and ActiveX controls in the Windows Registry.[1] To be used with regsvr32, a DLL must export the fun
regsvr32 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia regsvr32 是Microsoft Windows作業系統底下的指令,用來對DLL檔和ActiveX檔做 註冊及反註冊的動作,使之反應在登錄檔 ...
INFO: How Regsvr32.exe Registers and Unregisters COM DLLs This article describes how the RegSvr32.exe program registers and unregisters a Component Object Model (COM) dynamic-link library (DLL). You can use this information to troubleshoot errors that occur when you try to use RegSvr32.exe program with your...
you can visit the MSDN if you need help in registering ActiveX dll's you can visit the MSDN if you need help in registering ActiveX dll's
Regsvr32.exe - What is regsvr32.exe? - Microsoft(C) Register Server System32 regsvr32.exe could be a part of Microsoft Register Server but safe for your computer. Check out if regsvr32.exe is a legitimate application or not. ... 1 regsvr32.exe Microsoft(C) Register Server Click Here to run a FREE scan for regsvr32.exe rel
Remove regsvr32.exe virus | regsvr32 error | regsvr32.exe What is regsvr32.exe? How to remove regsvr32.exe virus? The fast and easy way to solve regsvr32.exe errors or problems. Download now ... What is regsvr32.exe (regsvr32.exe error)? regsvr32.exe (regsvr32.exe error) Description: Regsvr32.exe is a program th