關於HP的墨水匣有問題901 60 61系列(第1頁) - 噴墨印表機- Mobile01 2未斷電關機取出墨水匣填充 3晶片燒毀 4墨水量異常增加 小弟我爬了各大GOOGLE也參見過這篇 以【A墨盒】(HP60彩色) 跟【B墨盒】(HP60彩色) 做 ...
AnandTech | Intel Brings TRIM to RAID-0 SSD Arrays on 7-Series Motherboards, We Test It In an unusually terse statement, Intel officially confirmed that the ATA TRIM command now passes through to RAID-0 SSD arrays on some systems running Intel's RST (Rapid Storage Technology ) RAID driver version 11.0 and newer. The feature is limited to Int
AnandTech | TRIM & RAID-0 SSD Arrays Work With Intel 6-Series Motherboards Too A few months ago, Intel brought TRIM support to RAID-0 SSD arrays but limited it to its latest 7-series chipsets. As 7 and 6-series chipsets are very similar, there was no good explanation to why Intel didn't include support for 6-series chipsets other th
Trim (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Trim command (commonly typeset as TRIM) allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally.[1] Trim was introduced soon after SSDs started to become an affordab
RAID0新玩法 三星840系SSD狂飆千兆/秒_三星 SSD 840 Series SATA III(250GB)_固態硬碟評測-中關村在線 Win7安裝時間 目前Windows7系統已經被用戶所接受,所以大部分購買的機器或者裝有Win7或者準備安裝Win7,筆者使用Win7 64位旗艦版在三星840系250GB SSD/RAID0陣列系統進行安裝,整個Win7安裝過程從開機開始算起,結束時間以系統啟動音樂時間 ...
AnandTech | Intel Brings TRIM to RAID-0 SSD Arrays on 7-Series ... 2012年8月16日 - In an unusually terse statement, Intel officially confirmed that the ATA TRIM command now passes through to RAID-0 SSD arrays on some ...
AnandTech | TRIM & RAID-0 SSD Arrays Work With Intel 6-Series ... 2012年11月28日 - A few months ago, Intel brought TRIM support to RAID-0 SSD arrays but limited it to its latest 7-series chipsets. As 7 and 6-series chipsets are ...
About Trim in SSD raid 1 and Raid 0 - TweakTown Forums Hi everyone, I have tried to find my answer on internet for almost a week but I can' t find answer to it. I have installed a computer using ...
TRIM in RAID0 seems possible for all Intel chipsets from P35 up! Since that time it is no problem for SSD users with an Intel RAID0 system and an Intel Chipset from 5-Series up to get TRIM support within their ...
Raid 0 Trim Support [Solved] - SSD - Storage - Tom's Hardware Hi guys, I have 2 SSDs in a raid 0 array where my Windows 7 OS is installed on a z77 mobo, i7 cpu.