Overclocking Intel's Core 2 Quad Q6600 | bit-tech.net Overclocking Intel's Core 2 Quad Q6600. We take Intel's Core 2 Quad Q6600 for a spin on two motherboards to find out if it could be the next Athlon XP 2500+.
原價屋@酷!PC • 檢視主題 - [請益]Intel Q6600 G0版與B3版的差別? [請益]Intel Q6600 G0版與B3版的差別? 版主: Nos, net-baby 發表新主題 發表評論 第 1 頁 (共 1 頁) [ 9 篇文章 ] 上一個 ... 不管是G0/B3,超頻的Q6600都是非常熱的,高階散熱器是必需的. 原廠風扇好像有點冒險 以下是xbit labs用超頻的Q6600(3.3ghz 1.5v)來測試 ...
[請益] Q6600 G0版 + GA-P35-DS3 V1.0 超頻 - PCDVD數位科技討論區 [請益] Q6600 G0版 + GA-P35-DS3 V1.0 超頻 帳戶 記住我? 密碼 第1頁 共2頁 1 2 下一頁 主題工具 DVD Fans Junior Member 加入日期: Mar ...
q6600 g0版 -那些年那些事 -q6600 g0版 CPU超頻 Q6600-G0超頻 1.基本上Intel的CPU時脈是由主頻*倍頻決定的。 (Q6600預設主頻266預設倍頻9 266*9=2.4Ghz) 而Q6600的倍頻上限在9下限在6。 基本 ...
[請益] Q6600 G0版+ GA-P35-DS3 V1.0 超頻- PCDVD數位科技討論區 為了搭配買4870 小弟打算在那之前先讓自己的Q6600 長期處於3.0G以上的時脈 目前小弟的配備如下:
Noob asking How to Overclock a Core2Quad Q6600? - CPUs ... Hey guys, I wanna overclock my CPU but Im not enough good to do it, cause i dont ... I have my Q6600 G0 (refers to the stepping, G0 is easier to OC than the ...
Overclocking the G0 SLACR Q6600 to 4GHz - TweakTown | Technology content trusted worldwide We're going to have a look at the G0 Q6600 today in a few forms, starting at 2.4GHz and going to ?. Why the ? - Well, at the time of writing this intro I'm still heading north on the CPU overclock, so you're just going to have to read on to find out what
Q6600 (G0 Stepping) Overclock Guide | Game and Tech Reviews 46 Responses to “Q6600 (G0 Stepping) Overclock Guide ” Mister said December 26, 2007 at 7:21 pm Where are all the screens, statistics, overclock numbers,… And why is it so difficult to find a guide for overclocking a Q6600 :\ Reply gameandtechreviews
Overclocking Q6600 G0 Stepping! - Overclock.net - An Overclocking Community am new to Overclock.net. I am very interested in overclocking. I've read all about it and to my suprise am ... Forgot Password? Advanced Search Overclock.net › Forums › Intel › Intel CPUs › Overclocking Q6600 G0 Stepping! Featured Sponsors CoolClouds ...
Q6600 g0 + ASUS striker II formula 780i overclock help Has anyone have like a chart for ASUS Striker II formula (DDR2 not DDR3) with Q6600 g0 overclock setup like voltage for certain clock speed? Link to a website for ASUS Striker II formula 780i overclock would be great help.