purpose 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese Dictionary) purpose 目的,意向,決心,效果,意義,論題(vt.)意欲,企圖,計劃 ... Enter chinese/english word(s), Taiwan address or math. expression :
波皮斯國際樂活小棧 郵件: liveshop.purpose@gmail.com purposetaiwan@yahoo.com.tw LINE : liveshop.purpose@gmail.com liveshoptw ...
香港新浪網 - 字典 - purpose an all purposes army [美]全能軍 be firm [weak] of purpose 意志堅強[薄弱] What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意圖是什麼? You should spend your money to good purpose. 你要把錢花得有意義。 He walked with a stride full of purpose.
Purpose - 影片搜尋
purpose的意義,意思,發音,例句 - 英漢翻譯 - 新浪字典 新浪字典提供英翻中、英英、短句、相近詞彙、查字紀錄、每日金句等服務 ... 請輸入中文或英文單字: 英漢 英英 短句 purpose PyDict KK: [] 目的,意向,決心,效果,意義,論題 意欲,企圖,計劃
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Purpose | Define Purpose at Dictionary.com late 13c., from O.Fr. porpos "aim, intention" (12c.), from porposer "to put forth," from por- "forth" (from L. pro- "forth") + O.Fr. poser "to put, place" (see pose). On purpose "by design" is attested from 1580s; earlier of purpose (early 15c.).
purpose: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com purpose n. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: 'And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it ... pûr ' pəs) n. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: "
Purpose That's why we created Purpose. People are waking up to their own power, coming together at a scale and speed unimaginable just a few years ago. How can new social and economic models harness this power and what should ...
purpose - Yahoo字典 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。