公司擋了MSN、 BBS,就真的不能連嗎? - Ragic posted on 2010/5/22. Tweet. 目前有非常多公司,尤其到一定規模,都會利用防火牆把MSN、BBS等網路軟體、功能擋掉。一方面為了資訊安全考量,另一 ... 例如你用Port 12345連Tunnel的時候,他幫你用Port 23連。這樣的設定設定完成後,你 ...
PuTTY or Pietty 上PTT SSH bbs基本設定教學,也有 - deargrass 2009年9月14日 - 這裡要做幾點修改(以Ptt/Ptt2有支援SSH連線為例,沒提到的保留預設值即 ... ,Port:22,連進的Login畫面,要先輸入"bbs",然後就會進入PTT站 ...
[LOL] 新手入門教學 | 幸福喵窩 看了 LOL 文章也想加入的話,可以的話麻煩點我的推廣連結加入 XD 如果也是台服這邊的,可以加我GGC帳號(…
導管的分類 適應症及禁忌 常見問題及處理方法 中心靜脈導管的禁忌 •病人預期壽命在三個月以內 •上腔靜脈全部栓塞者 •正處於感染期之病人 •凝血功能異常者:PT、PTT >標準值 2倍;bleeding time >10秒或Plate
Anywhere you go, let me go too: PORT NUMBERS - yam天空部落 引用自: updated 2009-04-17)The port numbers are...
[心得] 用跳板上批踢踢 - 批踢踢實業坊 如果有公司鎖telnet port 23的,我們知道還可以用port 443 上ptt,有些公司只開放port 80 網頁瀏覽的,那就用http proxy 透過pietty 上ptt,一樣也可行 ...
Port of Sriracha (PTT Terminal) - สมาคมเจ้าของเรือไทย 219 Port of Sriracha (PTT Terminal) Terminal Operator: Immigration Formalities: Sriracha Petroleum Terminal Sriracha, Chonburi 20110 Tel : 038 — 351 134/5, 351 157/8 Fax : 038 — 351 134/5 Authorities will attend at Berth. Formalities : see Arrival ...
GME Electrophone TX4500WS 80 Channel UHF CB with Wireless PTT GME Electrophone TX4500Ws UHF CB with For some time vehicle manufacturers have recognised the advantage of steering wheel control over auxiliary devices, this feature is common place today, offering enhanced safety, convenience and ease of operation. The TX4500WS is now also equipped with ...
Pt Ptt Inr Huh? - pg.2 | allnurses - Nursing News, Articles, Degrees, Jobs, Answers for Nurses and I have a job understanding INR, PT and PTT. I'm an LPN at Rufus Guinchard Health Centre in Port Au Choix, so I don't have anything to do with medications. (the only province in Canada where this happens - but is changing, not to mention that we don't deal
KENWOOD Programming Software (Reference Chart) KDS-100 504XXXXX 4A46 PTT ID Display feature 176.86 KB CURRENT 401XXXXX F7FC Corrects lock up when long message is received 171.10 KB 305XXXXX E98F First release 171.05 KB KGP-2A 404XXXXX 567D Improved EEPROM data retention with DC ...